
As a loooong time Pats fan (Steve Grogan was the QB when I first started rooting for them), I think the disconnect is with the helmet. The helmet sucked balls. But the uni itself, in it’s “I am bleeding out” red glory, is still my favorite sports jersey I own (It’s a Grogan, natch).

I would play 3 if they remade it with all the Origins and Odyssey trimmings, like the recent RE2 remake with RE4's sensibilities. I liked the setting and main character, but it was a fucking chore and half to play through.

I wouldn’t go as far as “atrocity”, but it was a serious letdown after 2 and all it’s add-ons.

Nice. Thank you so much!

It takes almost no skilled labor. The fish is already cut up, so saute it in some butter, capers, and lemon (to hide the gaminess). Done.

This is why you have children in the first place! 

Proper magnesium intake is no joke.

Having done buying for restaurants and serving work, the obvious answer is zombie fish (seafood served on a Sunday, the day before fresh fish is delivered). If your buyer knows their shit, you’ve made your money back, and then some, on seafood. Everything you can sell on the last day is pure profit.

Seriously? Wow, I remember wondering how many it would get when I starred it around 100 stars. It’s a COATy, but over 4000 is insane.

Oh, you brilliant motherfucker. All my stars for you.

Longtime Pats fan here. Everything you said here is accurate. Carry on.

Thank you. (TR)GB must be acknowledged.

*Because Vinny has a video for every(FMV)thing.

Seriously. God. Damn.

“And it has byootiful Christian-themed murder-holes!”

Mewes’ Buffalo Bill dance is still a highlight of my movie-going career, all these years later. Pure comedic genius.

“Yeah, but have you seen (insert movie here) on WEED?!”

Yes and yes. As per usual.

It was shit, and I say that as a long-time lover of Kevin Smith (but not, sadly, his movies). But the “another dead hooker in Ben Affleck’s trailer” bit was gold, Jerry. Gold!

I don’t recall ever seriously wishing someone would die from an 8-ball stroke until Trump won the election. Now a day rarely goes by that I don’t wish for a short, but VERY painful death on our glorious leader.