
I have never been able to reconcile Bunk playing lacrosse. And I try every time I watch The Wire again.

Ken Griffey Jr, who I already knew is an hour younger than me (they also got his birthday wrong by a day).

I have Omar Visquel. 

The “... fucking pizza!” line of dialogue was endless entertainment, and still gets call-backs to this day. God, that game... I have never had more Blinky Drew moments watching an LP.

The Giant Bomb East LPs of Until Dawn and Life is Strange are still the highlights of their website to me. The perfect mix of buying in and calling out problematic bullshit.

True, true, but man, those early days were some good, dumb fun.

“Both teams played hard.”

Ouch, these days that would take most of DVa’s DM anyway. Doesn’t seem like the greatest use of it unless he’s going to instantly ult? Even then, I dunno... (Disclaimer: I think I played as Reaper once... in vs AI- Easy)

No, but you can get some lovely Ult charge from them.

Yup, once I realized the majority of OW players could not be trusted to GA to safely, I switched to Zen. I’ll take “death by flanker” over “death by team stupidity” any day.

That is totally unfair, man. Sometimes I dive in 1v6 like a madman and the Mercy will try to GA in to save me, and she dies too. That’s efficiency right there.

I did enjoy that a lot, yes.

And he was jet-lagged as fuck if I remember correctly.

That guy was a fucking treasure. 

He needs to Twit about Shark Week and the chances of the Crimson Tide in the SEC this year, just to complete the trifecta. Too bad he doesn’t have an Aunt Flo to bitch about, while he’s at it.

“...until he’s out of office.”

But the first two seasons were so good! Season 3 pooch-screwing/ shark-jumping can’t take that from me!

Shit, you’re right. And I just watched Defenders a few months ago. I’m an idiot.

Truthfully, that’s just not going to happen. What I’m hoping for is watching his trio of shitty “insider” children going to prison. And maybe a little punitive prosecuting against the Orange himself after he leaves office, preferably from NY.