so genius, love this show
so genius, love this show
And I think that's something she understood when she told John there was no way to get Rickon back.
That's absolutely true, Scot had the idol and could still have played it to ensure he was safe no matter what. But Julia told him they were voting for Tai, so he was not going to play it as a plain old idol either way.
That's EXACTLY what i thought, and I hope it's true.
Oh that would be the best.
I thought Jason would go down for dehydration and be medevaced from all that sweat that was dripping from his nose.
Joe or federal agent Phillip? Pick one
How could you not notice first out every time Joe?
Somehow I think Scot and Jason would rather vote Tai over Cydney or Aubrey. I think they will have an easier time seeing Tai's move as game over anything the 'girls' did. I mean it's Scot and Jason
I thought Cydney was brawn?
I was thinking yeah whole time, how many times will the same group of people be blindsided before they learn not be cocky? Is there an actual number out there?
Good going Aubrey!
I'm so frustrated with Aubry. She wouldn't split the vote between the guys because she didn't trust Julia, but she turns around and trusts Julia to vote out Debbie? I think Aubry lost sight of her game big time.
Honestly they make me want to defend Russel as he burned socks and caused chaos in secret so his tribe mates would turn to him. In the end they were actually a united group that got out a bigger majority of people. Scot and Jason are just being sore losers and masquerading temper tantrums as strategy>
I have to ask, if the votes were tied 3-3-3 and there is a revote, do the guys still get to play the super idol after a revote?
A lot of really great lines and my favorite moments! great episode
that was hilarious.
It would be in his best interest to go with them. Tai too actually. They both might have much better chances in winning immunity with those guys gone. It might mean the girls will pick them off but I don't reckon Scot and Jason would keep them any longer than they would.
that was classic, I couldn't even hate on Tony for that. He played a dishonorable game and still managed to pull that card.
He said on the show once during tribal 'Maybe the botox is not working' when a player commented on how he was making expressions at their comments. I think it was the first brain, brawn vs beauty, but I can't be sure about anything except he said that haha.