Thethings Wedo4Love

I totally missed that. Maybe he's thinking he can just slide under the radar. Considering he wasn't even considered to be voted off.

Yeah sometimes I don't think a blindside in the game has to be a blindside to us watching. In cases like this I prefer knowing because it's more satisfying. You understand he went home for being a tool.

Is it weird I think Debbie looks better now?

I must say I loved Cydney this episode. Her facial expressions were priceless.

Yeah I'm not sure I liked Tai's game play there. Him backtracking seemed like such an obvious lie. I think it was an honest mistake, and he didn't realize it'd cause such a stir.

Did we hear Joe speak this episode? He got down awfully fast for the food while their saying his brains tribe is on the block. Maybe he wouldn't win thy challenge anyway, but boy is he even trying to play?

Botox working like he wants it to.

Survivor is like a box of chocolates…

I think he did say the brawns wouldn't be challenge threats and he could beat them in puzzles etc.

I agree with you about Cydney, but i fear if she makes it to the final she will not be able to pinpoint any of that as game play. Jason immediately takes ownership of both those scenarios as his actions and doesn't even acknowledge in his confessionals that Cydney puts him on to it. Playing under the radar is

Is it possible Neal wasn't thinking about it in that moment? I remember Colton definitely wanted to keep the idol and was aware it would probably screw people over.

lizard army!

I have to say I teared up watching Neal resist being pulled out, and his plea to Jeff. These medical pull outs are always so emotional for me.


For someone who works at a mine where rocks are blown up, Mike's enjoyment of the cave activities was interesting if not unbelievable.

I'm not sure why Peter didn't go with Beauty and Scot in still voting out Joe or Aubrey. It didn't matter that Joe suspected, they would have had the numbers. The others were still on board considering they came up to him to ask if the plan was still on. I think by flipping back, and disappointing that group he made

I thought she was just going to scrunch it up, throw it away and write Peter on a new piece of parchment.

I think its just the slim picking out there.

Part time model cracked me up!

Damn Debbie!