If, like me, you were heartbroken upon learning of the death of literary genius Toni Morrison on Monday, it is…
If, like me, you were heartbroken upon learning of the death of literary genius Toni Morrison on Monday, it is…
That isn’t passive aggressive, that’s just aggressive aggressive.
I’d obviously suggest a pre-read with those considerations in mind, but I’m not recalling anything particularly scandalous or explicit, though Brown does dig into depression. I also can’t help but think that the tween years are a wonderful for kids to consider empathy, so I’d at least recommend exploring it as an…
I want to know: Is this appropriate for a 12 year old?
This is the type of positive post that makes me love reading The Glow Up, but I found it to be hard to read.
Y’all are lucky then.
I played Ms. Pac-Man one time when I was five and to this day, if I see a dot--I’m eating it no questions asked.
I love Assassin Creed Odyssey but I have never once thought about going over to Greece and jumping off the Parthenon into a hay bale/leaf pile and then jamming a dagger in the neck of the nearest suckafool who had the misfortune of watching my caloric challenged ass climb up the Parthenon and was still in awe of what…
Austen’s career was, undoubtedly, poorly managed by her family—but they did believe in her as a writer. Her father tried, and failed, to get her published. Her brother took up his mantle after his death and handled the book deals badly, which is why her paycheck was so slim. It’s not entirely surprising that they had…
Greetings from the Greys. I love your shelter cat updates. Please keep them coming!
those jobs are mostly temp jobs
Please don’t call him bipolar.
It’s not just one assumption. It’s two. It’s the assumption that people hanging out are unemployed, but it’s also the assumption that those ones who *are* unemployed are unemployed *by choice*.
Yeah they do, y’all are just praying to the wrong god. I’ve got some pamphlets here about Ixtlilton you might find interesting...
I love to recite this every chance I get: law enforcement is the only profession to ever be involved in a landmark discrimination case (Jordan v. The City of New London) for refusing to hire an individual because they were too intelligent.
People fawning over AOC forget why she is a representative: more people gave a damn about the primary she was running in because she put in some work. Primary/caucus season matters and too many either don’t register properly (btw: being a registered D or R doesn’t mean you can’t change your vote in the general), can’t…
So how am I going to help you vote if you don’t feel like it’s worth your effort? If you’re in San Diego, I’ll drive you to your polling place. I’ll drive you to the county registrar’s office to register. I have driven people to their polling place.
I don't really have a life, but I still don’t understand.
Mayors and city councils have little power to make big, long-term changes because they control very little spending. The state governments have far more money and they control how cities can tax and spend. The Federal government dwarfs the states.
:: channels inner Michelle :: “they go low, we go high....they go low, we go high....”