The Chad

the iTouch proves that thinner can still work. I want my iPhone5 to be as thin as the thinnest touch. or thinner.

Is the camera good? Or is it similar to one that is good? Why must you destroy our braincells in EVERY article you ever right by throwing valley-girls "like"s in? Guaranteed, you can tell it's a Buchanan article w/in the first 2 paragraphs because he, like, throws one in for no, like, reason.

Yeah, what the hell does this have to do with hipsters? The survey talks about age groups and genders, are all men under 30 considered hipsters now?

Whatever happened to facetime being an open tech that anyone could plug into? You'd think skype could plug into some of that, if it actually ever happened.

Yeah, I was going to say... "a failure Sheng attributes to short propellers. " that, and no wings

great points, in this post and above. Thanks for going into it more, I know admittedly little about what is going on, but definitely agree with you.

And it's never going to change when people like you keep abandoning any opportunity for our generation to make the world a better place. They will expose the *attempts* for tighter restrictions and regulations. And while Islamic terrorism was based on archaic tyranny, theirs is based on freedom. Ideas matter, and

seriously. Wouldn't this be 'entire day captured in one video'?

But what do we have here? He switched *back* from the iphone?!?

This was the biggest thing I hoped to hear about on Monday. Was sad to see it did not happen, so now this is exciting! Siri has awesome potential if it's baked into the OS

Did you miss the part where 90% of the parking is underground? 4 story building, with 4 stories of parking underneath.

I don't understand TV Remotes. Are they for extremely obese people that find it too difficult to get off their ass to turn off the TV or change a channel? What is the point?

I'm seeing it as similar to an arduino, where you can use it to control pretty much whatever your heart desires. Personally, I'd like a few to manage an automated irrigation system for growing vegetables. Cheaply automating random things could be very helpful.

yeah seriously. Howabout we get a how-to on making a map like that for ourselves?

definitely a prank. We all know Jesus was waiting for Apple to redesign the iphone to fix the deathgrip, why would he have a retina display?

how exactly is that 'touch' typing if you need to look at where your fingers are going?

this is an opinion piece, not categorized as news at all. See the tag? "Rant" not "Breaking" or "News" or even "phones" that's for the previous piece, which looks at the evo 3d more objectively, and points out many of the same things you just did.

the Nexus S is probably the best option for Android on T-Mobile

this is about an ipad app, then it starts with 'no app for android' #corrections

did not read the full article yet, just want to say that this shit makes me want to give MORE money to netflix in solidarity. They offer an amazing service and deserve to kick these dinosaurs to the curb