The Chad

That doesn't make any sense as a response to the initial question. There is a 13" macbook air with a higher resolution screen already. If apple was holding off on higher res 13" screens, why release that air with that screen? Really, the only viable answer I've seen had to do with color quality in the panels, someone

@RushinRussian That floorplan is way off, the laundry is in the basement, the garage doesn't stick out that much at all, and as Steezy noticed the bedrooms are all in the wrong place. Bart and Lisa are next to each other, the master is above the living room, and maggie is across the hall. There has never, ever, been a

Surprised you did not mention updating the voice recognition capabilities. It's pretty rudimentary currently, especially compared to android, and they bought Siri a while ago so the timing could be right for that update. With the Kinect getting people thinking about natural UI's it could be time for Apple to step up.

had to click-through, but the korg app is $16 #corrections

methinks you'd be better off w/ a USB hub on the other side than plugging several of these in

That is freakin' smurf! I have been hoping for more multi-touch gestures like on macbooks. the swipes in safari for back and forward mostly, and I could see these making multi-tasking a bit easier too.

why are 4G phones coming out on AT&T? Aren't they still only on 3G?

@tazm0n: it's def better than netflix, the ipad app is so buggy. I use it way more than pulse, and a lot of those are so specialized, flipboard can appeal to everyone.

what's up with the beta sites? I'm trying to get used to the new format, but they seem to be down.

how about iOS4.2 finally?

@Gasaraki-: word. tip them on the original amount. It's not like it's a buy one, get one free and so you only tip on the 'one' you paid for. A $30 bill and good service equals about a $6 tip in my book, regardless of how much you spent for the $30 previously. The servers shouldn't really care.

all my alarms worked fine this morning. I set an extra, manual one to be safe, but the original recurring ones worked on time too.

@iRant: My only reason for clicking through was to say the same.

@spydr101: gotcha, did not realize it was an actual thing. Still kinda wacky, but that has more to do w/ my own political inclinations.

Add to the speculation: an iMac that uses an iPad as the keyboard/trackpad combo. Could be handy for users of older macs that aren't touch enabled to still upgrade.

@spydr101: I'm not talking political parties or lines, libertarian and socialist are pretty much polar opposites in any way you look at american politics.

@spydr101: boy is that a contradiction if I've ever seen one. libertarian socialist? how is that even possible?

@ReginaPhalange: second! I am so tired of the shuffle resetting and hearing the same damn songs constantly. I've got 1400 songs in one playlist, and constantly hear the same stuff

@isochronous: considering the music, the static shots, and the captions, I think they were goign for wes anderson knock-off