The Chad

@James Wood: wow Franti is pretty awesome, and so much more awesome because of that. I am NOT showing that to my fiancee


"the high likelihood of a retina display."

Ideal solution: Take us out of the driving aspect; then we can text, game, tweet, facetime, whatever, while our cars drive themselves! Time for all that work that went into the DARPA urban challenge to go to market!

before reading too far, I should note that Kurzweil's prediction was TWO decades, not the widely reported one decade. Not sure how much that affects this argument.

what does the steampunk house have to do w/ the dead formats posters?

So why can't we make an iPad have this same layout/concept? Granted it would be a soft keyboard, but otherwise ribbon on top and dynamic keys would be sweet!

Put Futurama and Conan on there, and I am SOLD

Might hold off on adding comcast cable back. I've been cable-less since January and almost haven't looked back. Right now I am contemplating cable again for a couple reasons: Conan, Futurama, and NatGeo. If Conan and Futurama end up on Hulu, I'm sold. How has no one noticed that iTunes is the only online source