
I think The Smiths fit her perfectly. It’s probably where she got all her sarcasm from. I bet she grabbed an empty bottle of bourbon once going “Heaven knows I’m miserable now...”

Madani (and Dumont for that matter) probably got their degrees handed to them like candy, because seeing how incompetent they are in this show, I can scarcely believe someone actually gave them a degree for putting work in at school, let alone give them money at their job.

There’s so much lazy storywriting going on in this season, it’s frustrating.

I feel like The Punisher wouldn’t work with someone like seems to go against his MO. I don’t know if Turk ever did time in jail and thus “redeemed himself/repented”, but if not, he’s one of those criminals that ‘got away’ who should be prime fodder for Frank.

Uhm, Luke Cage S2 was much better than S1, even if only by virtue of not dropping off a cliff quality-wise after like episode 7 or 8.

Victor being possessed by the Jonah spirit was very obvious. You’re talking about one of the better actors in the show, and it shows. James Marsters took over a lot, if not all, of the characteristics and speech patterns that Julian McMahon had for Jonah when he was being the alien. It was instantly noticeable to me

“You’re a wee little puppet man!”

While I agree with the idea that losing the most ‘active’ parents is a shame, I really love bimbo Tina. I also think Victor has been taken over by “Jonah”, rather than just a nameless alien.

I’m not sure I like the parents being possessed. I don’t know enough about the lore so if it is reversable beyond killing the host, but yeah...I don’t want these characters taken away.

Or how about Karolina’s “I need a break from everything you gu-oh, you need help to bust out Molly because she’s been captured by some cops during a mission you guys decided to do even though we said no missions? Sure I’ll help!!”

I can understand Karo wanting to help Molly, but considering the nothing she shows up

I like to imagine every contact in Alex’s phone is “Not the One” and only Livvie’s is “The One”. What a dork.

I’m very confused as I’m generally with the majority when it comes to Doctor Who opinions, but I really disliked this episode.
- There was far too much technobabble and loredrops going on. I think my problem with it is that every future Who episode has been like this so far; a whole lot of dialogue of what this future

The only reason Dex can stand against Matt is because Dex has armor and Matt doesn’t. Seriously, watch that fight again and see how many hits Dex takes, even with rope-gloves. Matt also got distracted when Lantam asked for forgiveness, because it was a role-reversal from when they were upstairs. I wouldn’t call it a

I wonder how many blind people regularly say: “I have seeing friends.”

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I think she will be a villain. I imagine the whole point of her figuring out the formula is because she wants to sell that drug and become famous/rich off of it. Maybe she makes it wrong and it does turn people into werewolves? I would imagine that’s a bit too silly even for the MCU though.

This season really isn’t doing it for me at all. I don’t particularly care about the fact they’re no longer spies; I just think the amount of funny lines or jokes is too small. It has these writing issues where you have characters going “So, you hate him because he shot you down five times and you lost your eye to

Wow, comparing this to Angel S4 I’m not a huge fan of this season, but it hasn’t reached that level of painful atrociousness.

Fitz calling out Daisy’s betrayals was the best, as was his continued disgust at Deke being his grandson.

I don’t agree. The writers don’t know what to do with Daisy. Every season so far, she’s been sent on a guilt trip; for trusting Ward, for being Inhuman, for following Hive/letting Lincoln die, for being “The Destroyer of Worlds”,... Too many of her arcs have been the same, and I just don’t think she can hold a show