
No, he’s the Winter Soldier dummy, where do you think all the snow keeps coming from?

Yes, it’s totally Odin. Odin is also the only person who would suffer from Laura’s return to life.

I thought the two goons were actually the current representation of Media.

Hey guys, remember when part of the reason the Rebels chose that planet as their base was because of the crazy angry spiders that would attack anyone else who landed on the planet?

This was a solid episode, but it felt too much like a middle-of-the-season episode rather than a “oh we’re 3 episodes from the end”. And as you say, Nathaniel really isn’t doing it for me as a main villain. Neither is Sybil, what with her not really being a (visible) presence in the latest episodes.

A near perfect episode with a beautiful final scene, ruined by the inane decision to end it on Gooby and Blabla, boring villains that give zero real connection to the history of AoS or the characters in it, those characters being the exact strength of this episode. Sousa has only been in this show for a couple of

Yikes, I really did not like this episode. Nathaniel and Kora are very unappealing villains (although I guess I like the subplot of Daisy having a sister but I’m just expecting typical weak drama to come from that). I found the flashback scenes with Yo-Yo to be very ineffective and the eventual resolution just a kind

I kinda feel the same way. I don’t really see a point in that whole subplot if it doesn’t really go anywhere. On the other hand, I really don’t feel like dealing with Nathaniel I am an evil superhuman mwahahahaha.

Gran’ma Simmons will not have her grandson performing Grand Theft Auto. She will not!

Also one mistake this premiere did make: GIVE ME BACK PURPLE HAIR DAISY!

I don’t think the show needed to figure out who its main character was; like Game of Thrones, it was an ensemble cast. It made a connection from Anakin to Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, same with Obi-Wan and many of the other characters. It gave everyone their moments. This season just focused mainly on

Remember when the Doctor was a regular person like you and me who escaped their closed-off, elitist society to go out and do some good in the universe and become a hero by becoming him/herself?

Oh, that didn’t happen? Because she’s basically a God and was sent out by her closed-off, elitist society to do some ‘good’

In the writers’s defence, Yedlarian or whatever his name was basically yelled “Nooooo!”, closed his brother’s eyes and then went on with his day.

It’s just clunky writing, like the entirety of the Chibnall era has been. The whole “IT’S CLIMATE CHANGE! *surprised Pikachu face*” just came out of nowhere. That’s something that you should build to and make reference to in the rest of the episode, but it never happens. And then they feel the need to spell it out to

Yes, I don’t personally consider that a companion set because River was in and out depending on the episode.

I also can’t stand Amy at all and the only redeeming feature of her character for me is that she introduced Rory to the story, so that argument doesn’t work for me on that level either.

Three companions has literally never worked in Doctor Who. The original crew was Ian, Barbara, and Susan/Vicki, and the only ones of those with any kind of personality were Barbara and Vicki. Ian was the action hero because Hartnell couldn’t be, and Susan was a scream queen post Unearthly Child.

But don’t even get me

I hate the trope of “let’s have one actor play different people in the same bloodline”. Especially with Jesse’s line of “She looks so much like you”. I get that it’d be weird/a waste to get and pay a new actress just for one scene, but it always just feels cheap and a bit of a cop-out, especially with direct relatives

I don’t know his band at all, but I like Tyson Ritter in this. It’s pretty fun to see him go from collected Jesus to Humperdoo.

It’s one of those tropes of bad storytelling: separating your cast for no reason. You put in all this effort to have your main characters be developed characters, to get chemistry going between not just the characters but the actors...and then you separate them. And that can work, that can have purpose, to really

I don’t know why but I genuinely hated this episode. I’m not a huge fan of Yo-Yo so spending a lot of time with her and Mack and Izel (a rather ineffective villain as far as I’m concerned) was rather frustrating. I thought the Benson story was kind of out of left field and random and didn’t really serve a huge

I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarge was a Chronicom (and Izel as well?) It would tie in the Chronicom subplot, would explain the “Whose skin are you wearing” or whatever it was that Izel said when she conversed with Sarge and would explain both Davis’ weird behaviour and May’s shooting of Sarge. I’m guessing at this