just like real sports lol
just like real sports lol
then you must fooking love the mercy rework
for the kind of story GoT is, its just natural that we can predict whats gonna happen, i know some people that belive that GoT is writen like a history book, at the battle of the “bastards” we knew that jon dint stand a chance unless sansa got little finger to call the knights of the vale and help jon
daigo like being the underdog
I see top deathmatch player using widow, Hanzo and soldier, maybe tracer
yes, the e-mails help a lot with immersion
U a good person, i personally enjoy getting better at a game, winning is a product of geting gud!
lmao the time line, guess it can be fun for super fans i just want gud game
can some one who cheats in online games tell me why you enjoy it?
man i dint know halo 5 forge got so advanced, i might jump back in just to check it out.
thats true, in BF4 one would stay with 2-3 medic rifles and thats it, you would see more variation with the other classes tho
good stuff, since i only follow melee a bit, i dint know a fellow mexican gamer took home G4
yea Hanamura in general is pure cancer, thats why most pro teams ban hanamura
yea the witcher 3 is mad boring on anything lower than hard gameplay wise (blod and broken bones?) any way, on hard and above you actually need to build your character properly and thats mad fun, unlike fallout 4 and skyrim where your character build does not impact gameplay that much
got him gud
wow 60 dlls for a 2011 game, why dint skyrim owners for consoles got it for free like PC, o yes because “we” will pay for it
you win the war, your side of the agreed upon fable will be good and forgiven for the most part
they got nuked bro
yes, my 2nd play trough of ME1 was more fun than the first, but for the witcher 3, my 2nd run was a boring pain during the first 10 hours, gameplay does not get good until you have a some what build
If only she knew mercy and ana’s daughter are lerbian mothers of d.va...