
i wonder why batou does not have his ranger like eyes, dont tell that its for a romance scene...

lol funny, togusa in stand alone complex looks super american and he is the most asian like here, i agree that Boma looks nothing like Boma but hell the rest do look cool.

man overwatch just murdered this game, total destruction

never, but NEVER pick hog on atack, with the zenyata meta you will just be a ult feeder

best way to loose on purpose is to pick roadhog and just let the other team farm you for ult charge, hell most roadhog’s feed the other team with ult charge even when they are playing for real! lol

not the american way, prisions kinda help america, providing jobs and stuff, keeping the poor in check, etc...

and for things like this i dont even drink alcohol, and i can somewhat respect the people who can handle them selfs, alcohol is a pretty addictive substance and it can be hard for them to stop but the “i was drunk” excuse is the worst, its your fault that you where drunk

poor guy he just wanted to play some MAHVEL had his pad with him and everything, according to Chris G’s twitter the guy said something along the lines of “its no over until you beat me” but he had an i quote “synester look in his eyes” and he held his hand for a long time like not leting go, hope thats the last time

wow its also just 30 dlls...

keep going at it, if those guys that call you skrub are that “good” they should stop getting paired with players like you after a few days when people get ranked properly, if not they dont only play a ton of overwatch they also suck

why is that lame?

dam if a PC players grabs the sniper just hide, run, what ever you can

dam same day for the witcher 3 dlc, with mods and survival, witcher 3 DLC and overwatch, plus Combo Breaker streams, my weekend is packed!

lucio is the best support by a mile, and since the game is so match up heavy i think soldier 76 is the most versatile offensive character, he got damage and sustain, mcree beats more characters than reaper he is just hard to use same for hanzo vs widowmaker he haves more utility but is harder to use.

well if the movie’s default language is gonna be japanese i guess its a must for all the cast to be japanese or you have to pull a super good actor that can learn the language super fast, the basics at least

oh man this is great, black ops 1 zombies are my favorite, i already have the maps on my account just need to find a copy now!

wow 40? while i also prefer the read review instead of just looking at the number, to some sites like IGN and gamespot i can kinda guess the review socre by just reading the thing, same thing for angry joe reviews

KI is doing great on that model, this is more like a gamers want to play games, not make them

survival makes existing end game characters a bit boring, if you’re going to try survival do it with a new character, with end game characters is just a bunch of returning to base because theres really nothing else to do besides hoarding legendary loot and having to walk ALL the way back to what ever main base you

with all due respect, if you have a computer of any kind just get DOOM on pc and instal brutal DOOM witht he DOOM metal vol 4 soundtrack