Statler: Goodness, this punishment sounds quite horrible!
Statler: Ah, the "flailing desperately" phase. You know, Kermits known for doing that frequently.
Waldorf: Limitless? Why'd they call the show that?
Statler: Well this seems like an appropriate title!
Statler: Oh man, I haven't seen this much cruelty towards Native Americans since the American Indian Wars!
Statler: Perhaps the best thing about Sesame Street is that you can learn something new from every episode!
Statler: Well, you certainly are living up to your name!
Waldorf: I totally agree, this episode certainly promises what the the rest of the season will be!
Statler: I don't care what everyone else says, I found this years Oscars ceremony to be perfect.
Statler: Our apologies! We have your disappointment tent!
Waldorf: My God, Mrs. Wolowitz died? What a tragedy.
Statler: What kind of serious news do you think she'd tackle?
Statler: Do you think Mike Myers is still good at jokes?
Waldorf: It's sad to think many people don't know who Paul McCartney is.
Statler: You know, we're a lot like these Comedy Central roasts.
Statler: He's right! Mark Wahlberg is quite attractive!
Statler: "Angel of Death"? Well, what does that mean? The death of what exactly?
Statler: Oh boy! I can't wait for it to drop!
Waldorf: Do you think he'll get CancerAids for that firstie?