
Tangentially related but how cute is Ian mckellen’s sign for the women’s march?

Zoom in on the top of the page. His name is in huge florid script. Why?

Sure it did. It showed Richard Spencer and the rest of his nazi buddies that they’re bullshit won’t be accepted without a fight. Remember “make racists afraid again?” What exactly do we want them to be afraid of? Petitions?

I’m gonna go with regular 8.5"x11" and I will brook no dissent.

I believe the whole White House petition thing was an Obama creation, so don’t expect that to continue.

I’ve found that trying to numb my negative emotions with alcohol results in bad, bad things for me. If I can make it through this without booze, I can make it through anything.

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.

If there was any justice in this world, it would have been Trump’s tax returns in that box.

I know, right? I bet this is TOTALLY just want she wanted. Those sluts just want to be famous and accusing people of sexual abuse always helps with fame.

Yes we can. He is so devoid of everything.

Well yeah...because she’s been unable to be in the news for making music like she used to.

Yay, how nice to be recognised by a fellow Jezzie! *waves

I just ugly cried when that one kid yelled “Barack Obama!” with so much joy.

The NPD isn’t new though, they’ve been around for decades and except for some veeeeeeery dark and remote places in Eastern Germany, they never gained any broad support here.

Banning political parties seems like not a great way to protect democracy tbh.

Don’t be silly.

Also, the Obamas had offered to leave the playground at the White House for, you know, Trump’s ten-year-old kid and bunch of grandkids... and he said no.

The thing with banning the party is that it drives the supporters underground, where its harder to keep tabs on their activities. Keeping the party legal is actually the smart thing to do.

Its possible.

I just heard about 80 congress people skipped Nixon’s in 1973. Let’s see if we can match or beat that number.