
You could easily do it without him, he is already in prison and it’s just about the family trying to come to terms with it without ever showing him.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. And you are right about the cowardice of many people. I’ve had an experience sort of like that -stranger in dragging me into an alley attack, and this convenience store worker was taking out the trash and literally did nothing and also lied to the police and said he didn’t see

How about a dark reboot where the shattered family comes to grips with their father’s incarceration for sexual abuse, and how it forces them all to question the Christian dogma they have heretofore blindly adhered to.

Swap “strict Muslim” for “strict Catholic” and we had the exact same experience.

Never having seen an episode of 7th Heaven, I can still swear with certitude that Catherine Hicks’ quip about Collins’ coffin in still the best thing about that show ever.

as a feminist liberal

Just going to point out that commutation of ones sentence does not absolve one of the crime. It does not remove the verdict. It does not remove the felony. Its simply a ‘and we’re now letting you go’ for whatever reason.

But if the average sentence for her crime is 3.5 years, she’s already served that time. She has paid her debt.

No real idea what it’s like in Trump’s head of course but I think perhaps one explanation could be: in today’s America, Obama - a mixed-race man born on an island to not-rich parents - had only one natural, “God-given” advantage over famous rich white New Yorker Trump. His intelligence.

Orrin Hatch is actually looking good now. It’s like when a bride picks out really ugly bridesmaid dresses so that she will look good in comparison. So, yes. We’re fucked.

Who’s the billy bush in this equation?

Seriously, our expectations are so low right now

Trump gets ousted (however — voluntarily, 25th amendment, impeached and booted, forced resignation.) Pence in, but tainted. Unelected, unwanted, permanently associated with the grotesque. Pence, who is also under investigation by the IN DOJ for the exact same types of corruption that brought down Spiro Agnew, and who

How long before we get Keifer Sutherland?

Jfc how are those our choices? I want to die.

Ironically, he tried to shame Clinton just for peeing - not even on someone!

Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years

At the end of the day, I’m just willing to not have trump with the nukes right now.