
Me neither, but that’s because you and I are *not* batshit crazy bigots who think that we should have a say in what other people do with their bodies, or that we should be allowed to ruin other women’s lives by forcing them to agree with our religion. I don’t care to try to understand it either! I just want them to

I literally cannot imagine feeling so strongly about trying to control women’s bodies, that I could want to march for it, much less infiltrate anyone else’s march. These ppl are Crazy.

Yup. One of the “Boycott Hamilton” strategies was to buy up all the tickets and “give them to homeless people.” Which demonstrates not only their callous pathologizing of the homeless but also their ignorance about the availability of Hamilton tickets.

(OMG your troll is precious)

This is why I’m loving the anti-Trump Inauguration that is taking place on Inauguration Day. And I think, for as long as he’s in office, any major event, a bunch of celebrities should decline and then thrown a similar event across the street. I’m loving everyone getting on board to troll the fuck out of him.

Isn’t it so telling by how many British artists are coming out saying they’ve turned down an invitation? He can’t get ANY U.S. artists worth anything to perform for him. Sad!

Did you enjoy typing all that up? Because — nobody cares, nerd! — that whooshing sound is you missing the rabble-rousing tone by a country mile. It is a cute idea.

We’d have to completely reinvent water management, meat production would probably be wiped out, and we might have to spend fifteen minutes suppressing a rebellion in the area that wished to be called Jefferson.

Your point here is?

I would like him to know about my most hated part of menstruation...when you think that is is done, so you stop using pantyliners and tampons, only for your uterus to have one last bit of uterine lining to push out 2 days later. Another pair of underpants bites the dust.

I just emailed his office this:

He’ll probably block any calls, like Paul Ryan blocked delivery of 87K signed petitions from PP today with 6 security guards and a closed (“unless you have an appointment”) office sign:

I’m going to do a little social experiment and call with a graphic description of how semen is created. Let’s see if I get cut off.

Oof. I’ve never heard it described this way and it’s so true. Also why acquaintance rapes don’t count-- because the woman is, in some way, already the property of her assailant.

And the stranger rape is troubling precisely because that woman belonged to someone else. Maybe it was her boyfriend, or husband, or father. But the stranger took the property of someone else.

That is how I feel and I haven’t even had your friends’ experiences. I can’t even look at cops’ faces without grimacing, and I’m sure, looking “suspicious,” with my Black, frowning face and all.

Grew up in the NYC suburbs, have lived here now for 10 years, have had NYPD in the family... AGREED. I have a friend who was “abomination raped” and they treated her like total shit the whole time then basically did nothing. I’m sure I’ll get shit for this, but a LARGE number of those who “serve and protect” are the

So a rapist who drags a stranger off the street—which is a very small percent of them—has, like, no moral standards, but a man who rapes his ex-girlfriend, a co-worker, a woman who accepted a date with him, a woman who thought he was her friend, his own wife, his teenaged cousin, an unconscious woman at a party; those


“They’re not total abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets,” Rose later said at a Community Council meeting Wednesday night.