
Well, not to mention that it would cost more money than the world has to build the wall as described in the first place. And also not to mention that Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed “builder of things” should know that, in order to build things, you have to get building materials to places. Which takes transportation

We’re sick of experts!

California is gearing up for a big fight, assuming we don’t secede.

I’m pretty sure State’s rights only need to be respected when they apply to the ownership of black people.

So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?

But just think of how awesome the Berlin Wall would have been if it had been mostly unguarded, made out of chain link fencing and covered a sporadic 1/3 of the border between the east and west of the city.

They elected Trump to teach you a lesson, you know Mr. Smarty Pants! If you would have just shown more patience for their illogical and frankly stupid perspective they wouldn’t have been forced to vote for Cheetolini to show you how dumb is just as good as smart!

Fun experiment: Ask the communists how much they spent, even under a communist government, monitoring that tiny, tiny section of wall. Then extrapolate to the ~2000 miles of the US southern border.

In Trump’s America facts are just other people’s opinions. These have been some whacky months already. I mean in what alternate reality do the Russians win the Cold War by convincing the Americans of their fake news propaganda?

Yeah, ethics committee, Intel agencies, wall. This is way too much like East Berlin...

Get out of here with your book learnin’ ya liberal elitist!

Tie them together and drown them in the same sack.

The GOP was inordinately fond of shutting down the government during Obama’s presidency when stuff they didn’t like was part of spending bills. Usually that stuff was things people at large liked, so the GOP lost those fights with everyone except their base.

I’m willing to bet if the Democrats did the same thing over

Aye. That’s one slimy fuckstick.

As of 11AM EST, the Chicago PD haven’t announced any formal charges against the 4 attackers, only that part of their investigation will include whether the language in the video warrants a hate crime distinction. For comparison, Dylann Roof’s federal hate crime charges came almost 3 weeks after he was arrested for the

I do!

That breaks my heart. The thin messages are super insidious and nearly impossible to avoid. Being that aware of it at 5 means it is highly likely she’ll have some major trouble adjusting to puberty, when she starts getting hips, etc. I mean, I’m sure your friend is doing her best to counteract it, but society does NOT

They also go to school with kids who have sexist parents and grandparents.

Yeah, but I think it’s fair for men who were exposed to that stuff as boys to have educated themselves and gotten therapy or what have you instead of being dicks as adults. Just wanted to throw that out there.