
The most important point in this entire discussion.

Who is he kidding, kids at that age do not want to hang out with their parents.

for the last time,

Oh, gosh, yes. I just take that as a given. Penetration = not my turn to come.

Yeah wow. Something I never thought twice about but is obviously an incorrect terminology.

This may be the first (and last) time I agree with/like Combs, but he’s right. Good for him.

What do you think Yolanda is more proud of; her 2 daughters or that goddamn beautiful glass-door refrigerator?

It took me a minute to realize that DDD wasn’t some sort of doctoral degree or professional credential. Damn, lady!

Yeah that is some Stephen King shit right there...

If you were smoking daily your brain would be playing all kinds of fucked up tricks on you, believe me. I don’t know why I ever smoked. It’s literally the stupidest thing you can do.

I’ve read that those commercials actually increase cravings! Maybe because they provoke anxiety? Who knows, right? Crazy.

I was under the impression that the original poster was talking about women who consciously use that as a test, which is shitty.

They’re adults now, they’re old enough to know that’s shitty.

I admit that I like it when a man pays the bill for the first date. I feel like it’s an indicator that he was into it. I always offer to pay though! After the first date I have zero qualms splitting/trading off etc. I actually prefer it.
The guys I have dated, however, seem to prefer getting the bill, especially at

Okay, I’ll bite. Am I really the only one who at least tries to get the guy to let me chip in for half? Sometimes the guy on the date stubbornly won’t let me, in which case I’ll usually concede (because I don’t want to get into a huge argument about it) and pay for the second date (if there is one) or, if we’re going

You get paid $1 to my 77¢ you’re footing the bill, buddy.

In my last LDR we consummated like bunnies whenever we were in the same place, hell, he ran a half marathon and we still had sex afterwards... mind you, we’d still skype and sext all the time.

That reminds me. It’s almost time for my 3pm Sunday sex.

Anytime someone brings up “all natural” to me when discussing skin products or medicines, I like to point out that poison ivy is natural and ask if they want to rub it all over their body. It usually shuts them up.

I have the opposite problem. I love weddings. And yet not only do I only get invited to a fraction of those Id think I'd maybe get an invite to, not a single one of my friends has ever asked me to be a bridesmaid. Even my best friend. Who then later felt guilty about it. I try to pretend like I am cool and don't like