
Eartha Kitt is a treasure <3

You don't have to, this is pretty much what it boils down to-

I used to get regularly harassed taking public transportation on my way to work. I don't wear makeup, don't do my hair, and wear jeans and a t-shirt most days.

Except that the moment even the hottest guy on earth catcalls some woman he doesn't know, he immediately becomes unattractive. How on earth is a hot guy supposed to meet women? Conundrum!

Ah, I see. Well, seriously, I hope this isn't TMI but I made such a purchase through (a horrible but popular online books-and-other-stuff vendor currently taking some hits on Wall Street).de at a low cost (for Deutschland) and fast delivery – my elderly neighbors (I'm sure you have some too) even accepted the package

The big question is whether the women in the video are the same ones who are pressing charges against him He's genuinely crazy if he thinks showing a video of "consensual" BDSM means that all of the acts he's ever committed are also "consensual".

When my husband and I got together we were 19 and 20. After a few years he started saying we should get married but I wasn't ready yet. I wanted to be more established— done with a bachelor's degree especially. A few more years went by, and even though I wasn't done with school yet (yeahhhh...) I decided I was ready

Arrrrg, kinja ate my reply, but my reaction was exactly the same, my ladybits felt horribly betrayed. And I love Rowan for his spitfire takedowns but he is the definition of petrifying.

I did the same!!! My ladybits felt betrayed because they were like "Where's Jake?!" It's like waving candy and snatching it away.

Duuuuude, what part of Germany are you in? THAT"S WHERE I AM TOO. I also spend like, all day alone because I'm currently unemployed and my husband works 40 hours a week. It kind of sucks. I've found that I like to go to places where there are lots of people—like the big bakeries downtown which are always full of old

TRUE. I'm placing this in the Not A Treat category. I actually recoiled in horror.

The man has no eyebrows. Having him pop-up like that (when we thought we were viewing Jake?) was all sorts of wrong.

Aside from comparing to Fitz this was one of the best most accurate comments ever on Jezebel.

If they were aiming for fear, it worked.

I wonder in that case if he felt he was being "gentlemanly" or just doing a bit more of a mindfuck.

Exactly. Your example reminds me of JG turning his stuffed bear away from the women he was assaulting, saying Big Ears Bear shouldn't see what he was about to do. Assuming the bear isn't actually a "nanny cam" why should it matter that the bear see his actions? If what he was about to do was consensual, fun and kinky

And lets not forget many of his victims were considerably younger than him and trying to work in his industry. He could make or break their careers. Lots of people have said they had to walk on eggshells around him, even the men his own age, because of his self-perceived star status. I can't imagine what a very young

I have read a couple of accounts of first-timers (to the BDSM filming, though not necessarily other porn) state that they faked their enthusiasm during the post-interview because they felt it was expected. They consented to the acts and aren't trying to accuse anyone of wrong doing, but refute the idea that it's

Another possibility is that the rapist you talked about was gaslighting your friend by walking her out to the car. The same way Ghomeshi allegedly texted "Happy Thursday" as though nothing had happened after the attack. Abusers keep their prey off balance.

That's like suddenly thinking about your parents during sex. Yick.