
Put this trend of firing teachers for having a sexual past of any kind together with the trend of teenage girls sending nudes to their crappy boyfriends who then post them online and it seems to me that in the next twenty years or so there aren't going to be any teachers left who are "models to follow for high school

In the book she's a teenager who has an affair with an adult man... so that big age gap is actually the point!

i read a novel once where the main laday was all oh i match my underoos to feel pretty all the time~~ and ofc the main dude was obsessed with it and i was just like BITCH YOU LIE. YOU ARE A LIE ALL OVER THIS PAGE.

So we know who the woman isn't, but do we know who she is? And whether or not she's on board with Jezebel publishing this picture?

There is no point and they add nothing to the plot.

I make perfectly clear ice in the winter in small batches in a cooler outside. Yes I do use degassed distilled water from my water still. Once i get a nice block it's aged for 3 days to assure no internal fracturing occurs. Only then is it cut into 3 inch cubes by hand to be put into a custom machined ice sphere

I would consider this. Sometimes ice in restaurants tastes weird and when it melts in your drink a little, it can be gross. Call me a douche all you want.

A friend of mine from college just had her third kid and named him Artisanal.

Just typing the "s" in that word you dislike would have helped' but I dig.

"In my personal experience, people who order "artisanal anything" tend to be pretentious douchehats."

"...this place will cater less to locals and more to the pretentious douchehats..."

One of the biggest misconceptions about feminism is that women have to blindly support each other. Taylor seems like a lovely person but she's not above critique.

Did you read the article? "I'm on the fence about the advent of corporate-sponsored egg-freezing." There was no bashing or discouraging. The announcement spurred needed debate of our general lack of support of working families. This is encouraging for some, and not for everyone. Why NOT talk about it? It is absolutely

when egg freezing becomes a corporate benefit, there is a clear reinforcement of the idea that having children is an unwelcome interruption to company productivity

I thought the point was that she did know that, but before the wedding she focused on the great things she knew about because of all the anticipation and excitement, and then after the wedding she focused on all the crappy things.

The joke is that she's obsessed with death and performed in a cemetery, not that she's cold.

I agree.

But... Humanity's. #sorryimthatguytoday

Elephants definitely do mourn their dead friends, often returning to the places where another elephant that they had known died. There have been many studies researching this behavior. From what I've seen there is no scientific hypothesis that can explain this behavior other than elephants do in fact experience grief,

Watching her take off the make-up, the wig, the eye leashes - I'm a middle-aged Black woman with a voracious appetite for tv dramas. I have never seen a scene like that before. The whole dismantling of the facade just resonated with me. So many women I know do all that, the hair especially. What Ms. Davis did was the

So as the top dog on the Shade court, does that make you Ruth Shader Ginsburg?