
thank you for this! i was telling my boyfriend about how they violated the requirement of informed consent. it's not enough if the user agreement includes something about how they are allowed to curate content. this is not an open admission that they are manipulating you for the purposes of research. if they're

Thanks for this - it's an excellent breakdown.

I'm a psychologist who conducts research, supervises doctoral students' dissertations, and teaches psychological ethics. According to a press release from Cornell University, this study was funded in part by the US Army Research Office; that makes its failure to provide informed consent to participants a clear

and we hear that argument over and over and over and over ... "He's just an old white guy ... (implying we should give him some slack)". Be the change you want to see in the world. But also, hold others to a standard too.

As a person in fine mental health, I could concur, but what if some of those people fed negative feeds were in the midst of a low cycle of extreme depression, or had some other mental health issue? In a situation like that, FB could be responsible for a number of potentially terrible outcomes such as suicide, or an

Studies have to adhere to a certain standard of ethics, and this violates those ethics. It's not about what we discovered (which is hardly shocking), it's about the ethics violation.

Because people did not consent to being guinea pigs for experiments designed solely to fuck with their moods. It's next-level intrusion and it should make us all very worried about how we are being manipulated. There are actual ethical rules for this kind of study, and the editor of the results herself wasn't sure

Hm. I'm fat, and I confess I didn't get this way because I am HUNGRIER than most people. Color me skeptical.

I'm crying laughing at this gif. Girlfriend has Klonopin face.

Her personality is beige.

She turns me off. So much. I feel like her movements and speech and voice are all just a show. Which is not bad because that's what she does, she's a performer, but she seems to be performing something she thinks everyone will like, not something that she truly is or likes.

If she wants to stop doing music, why doesn't she just...stop?

possibly a line of children's books?

Still no excuse for leaving a child alone in a building.

FYI, guys, this is the shirt she was wearing:

I'm gonna guess that it was one of those deadpanned jokes like, "here's this woman who is going through a meltdown and this guy disarms her by coming over and pretending he is more important." And coming from Jon Hamm, who probably is already dressed up like Don Draper, I'm sure it really helped break the ice.

Nope. That actually sounds INCREDIBLY HEALTHY. Bravo!

This. My body looks very similar as well. And while I love my body and my looks (I stare in any reflective surface I can find, ha) there's this voice in my head that says "others will never love it". And it makes me sad because I want someone to find me as beautiful as I find myself (huh, that sounds narcissistic