
I would watch that Top Gun sequel if it was about how Goose was a ghost and haunted the shit our of Maverick everyday, by like surprising him on the toilet and whatnot. But Maverick just got used to it really fast and then it became an odd-couple type story and at the end they learned to get along after they went on

I nominate this one. Someone was trying for a Renaissance type of hooded gown, they got a KKK looking thing instead.


Source: epic fail. Y'all are welcome (I think?)

I think the big concern from the industry is that condoms cause a lot of irritation for the women; given exactly how much time they have to spend shooting. I support the condom-usage from a point of view that it will help to normalize it for those young minds who are consuming porn, but I'd rather the workers decide.

They published her name and the location where she works. They put her in danger. Yes, we need to call that out. I talked to someone who is friends with her family, and they are terrified. This asshole had fans, and they are already threatening her life, among other things.

I can't do cauliflour and I'm so sad. :( beets and I are also not friends. BUT... I may try to do the Kale in my smoothies thing :O I also have texture issues

A thousand times this. I've moved to eating more greens and I feel better. I had a massive piece of ice cream cake and had to go for a sugar crash nap. When I, say, choose an apple or grapes or carrots or something proteiny instead of that I feel loads better.

I completely understand your ire. The BMI that everyone puts so much focus on is a very general metric that ignores individual differences. Size really shouldn't matter as long as you are healthy.
Personally though, I know I am unhealthily overweight and not fit at all, which is because of massive weight gain over the

#3, exactly. I'd love it if people could understand that concern trolling is not okay, not when someone is thin, not when they're fat, never. It is an individual's own damn business what they want to put in their body. There are very few people in this day and age who don't know what's healthy to eat and do and what

I'm in the same boat, man. I go into IV for lunch multiple times a week, and I have students who live there (though I have no idea whether any of them were directly affected). I'd never have thought anything like this could happen there, and I have so much hatred for the motherfucker who did this. I guess I don't have

I'm so very sorry for your community. I can't imagine what it must be like. The tv show I work for is actually going to be filming in Santa Barbara in 1.5 weeks. (We were supposed to be there now actually, but a last minute change of plans sent us to NYC.) I wish there was something positive we could do for the

I'm just down the road and have been marinating in it all day. I've felt so tender to the people around me - just going around trying to put my tiny good thoughts and actions out in the world, trying to counteract evil as best I can.

After years of gruelling work, boring reading and hours of lectures, my last exam for law school is next week. I'm utterly shattered mentally and physically. My arm actually twitches and gets cramps from writing so much. I really can't find any motivation left in me :/ Have you got any gifs for me?

I went to UCSB and I think it's important to point out that there was a culture of anti-feminism so obvious it was printed in the fucking newspaper.

My bananas just committed suicide... :(

My condolences. It has been a rough time for Santa Barbara. I live about an hour South, and work with a lot of UCSB graduates. I hope that your friends and your students are safe.

Well said. I'm a UCSB alum and my heart is heavy today too.

I would like to see a media convention adopted towards mass killers: we never see their face, we never know their names. If we can manage to do it for rape victims to avoid shaming them, we can manage to do it for mass killers so that we don't glorify them. The attention definitely feeds the problem.

Gosh golly gee, maybe it's cuz these poisonous attitudes in our culture fuels rape, abuse and inspires homicidal maniacs like this creep.