
I'm a little afraid- I don't want Kimye fighting over who gets the cover of Vogue.

"the trusty magic wand (takes about 20 seconds)..."

Listen I don't play video games (I get dizzy), but I will refuse to play this video game

I know they are pushing this Frozen movie, which to me looks like it's going to be a pretty big flop (at least in terms of Disney $) but they didn't think Merida was an obvious choice? I mean, girl has got badass written all over her face.

Please just calm down and be reasonable.

You should have added a Trigger Warning for those of us who hear "Calm down!!" and immediately fly into rage.

By "leaping into problem-solving mode too quickly" do they actually mean "waving away actual issues with a glib mansplanation that they assume will solve everything?"


Hey Lindy, since he's painting this for his daughter, could he be painting the cat she shares with the artist boyfriend?

Might be good to note that the site is about VEGAN tacos - so now you are giving everybody the wrong idea by not mentioning that. When I think taco, I think beef, pork or chicken.

I LOVE him on "Don't Trust the B**** in Apartment 23"!!! And I am devastated that it isn't on anymore. It was so fucking clever and watchable and stylish.

As someone with anxiety (from a family with members with severe anxiety disorders) who is finding it harder and harder to fly, I believe it is incumbent on the person with the anxiety disorder to solve their own issues and not expect their other passengers to do anything to help in one way or another. Calculate that

"With no disrespect intended, if your body is in the space of my seat, I am going to be very uncomfortable as I'm a bit claustrophobic and don't like being touched by I twist my body into weird contortions to avoid touching psychological pain...I don't psychologically comfortably fit into

Nah, that's pretty much ALL of them, honestly. Or at the very least there will be enough drunk people to make them impossible to ignore. If you're especially lucky they'll badger you to take shots with them!

Dingdingdingdingding! We have a winner, ladies and gentlemen. Your first paragraph really hits the nail on the head.

Breaking news: life isn't fair, and your entitlement to a higher ratio of space than someone who happens to be larger for whatever reason (pregnancy, build, good old fashioned fat) is laughable.

I like the bullets. I know I said I'd stop, but I like your summary, and I feel we can end this on a more tied-up note. With bullets. So:

My brother is 6'3". I can almost guarantee you that, during a six hour flight, his knee will touch your knee. Probably more than once. Should he buy an extra seat? Or the woman upthread who has wide hips, who is 1cm into armrest territory - should she buy an extra seat? Should my elbows buy an extra seat so they don't

What exactly do you expect people to do about the thighs touching or elbows brushing thing? Straightjackets? 900 layers of Spanx? Buying a whole extra seat for 1" more of hip room? If it's that big a deal, why do you put YOURSELF in situations where OMG someone might accidentally touch you? Why do we have to