
Too bad. You don't get to choose whether someone is hacking their guts all over you. If you wanted more room, step up and take it. It isn't as if there is a law against sitting normally. You CHOSE to sit there all squished with your hands in your lap because you didn't want to touch the gross fatties. That is YOUR

It doesn't look like the passengers would have control over moving the seats. It looks like the airline would be adjusting the seats according to the number of each type of seat (small, medium, large, or whatever) they sell.

As a fat person, I'd like to fly and get the seat I paid for! I am fat enough that I take up every inch of my seat, but only my seat. I try to get the window seat, so I can lean against the window and leave the armrest to my seat mate. Yet every time I fly, I get put next to someone who is 6 inches shorter and half

yes. team Benson. It's not illegal to have sex with an adult woman, so adult woman sex doll may gross me out but OK. However, it is illegal to have sex with a child (or anyone who cannot legally give consent), so child sex doll NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. "Pedophilia" is waaaaay too cutesy of a term for me and until you

Alissa Czisny, but that is a long shot.

To be honest I've kind of lost interest in figure skating now that Johnny Weir-Voronov is retired...

Denis Ten! I hope he recovers and makes it to the Olympic podium.

Canada's Patrick Chan woot.

We get it. You want to sleep with teenagers.


I didn't find the tone of the article at all judgmental. I think the story is certainly worth reporting to the Jezebel audience because of the prevalence of slut shaming and this woman's seeming lack of concern that she might become a victim of it. The story merits discussion on this site. I'm interested where you

2004 isn't current? Pfft, next you'll tell me my combination of UGGs and a mini skirt aren't in style anymore.

Everyone in the house will then be shipped off to a labyrinth on Crete and sacrificed to a ravenous beast in order to appease an immemorial blood-feud. (Ha ha, just kidding; that's next season!)

I'd burn 300 MFAs just to get the occasional second date.

I told my best friend's husband that if he ever wanted a divorce, he'll have to seperate the multicolored sand vase that they poured together during the ceremony into each individual color contained within. He turned white.

Wow, that reminds me of my upcoming book 900 Dirty Socks Picked Up Off The Floor and Dining Room Chairs Are You Kidding Me Why Are They On The Chair That Is Gross, Kevin.

We get it. We hate Macklemore. Thus spake the truths.

Please take a moment to think about the irony of judging a man based on his body in response to an article criticizing him for shaming women about their bodies...

That's why I love Bubblegum. Pink princess, math genius. Boom.

Don't trust Funnybot!