Sweet Trav

This is the only NASCAR game the world needs. The new one doesn’t really look any more complicated or sophisticated because... well, it’s still NASCAR

McDonald’s hot mustard is my go-to nugget dipping sauce. Burger King’s zesty sauce is good on nuggets too.

But profits. Sure, I mean, it’s bad for the global economy and whatever, but what about next quarter? THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

The comments here are more or less what I expected. I get the hate, but don’t quite get there myself. I don’t expect that anyone who gets as close to real power as Powell did to get out clean; every Sec Def, NSA, Sec of State, and President may as well be Genghis Khan or something. I just don’t have the emotional

Good, more workers should strike. The collapse of wage growth over the last thirty years is directly related to the lack of strikes and unionized labor. If you hate your job, and get angry with other people fighting for a better wage and better conditions, then join a union and fight for them yourself. Every industry

One thing that is fairly standard during a strike is that management will say to themselves, “Haha, how hard can those jobs be, we’ll just do it ourselves,” and then management will try it and inevitably fail.

5th Gear: More issues like this to come as the EVs are getting older. Manufacturers jumped quickly in this technology and now are facing the issue that electronics are not the same as ICE

1st Gear: Good. I hope the workers can successfully negotiate a better contract that compensates them more reasonably for their labor.

There is always some small percentage of propellant that’s not fully burned. You only get full combustion under high pressure

It’s almost like you worked for a company that makes airbags!

This is actually not true:

Tesla Model Y. It’s the “meh” of Teslas fleet. The S was special in that it was the first real, mass-produced Tesla and continues to get ridiculous upgrades. The X has the cool Falcon doors. The 3 is their first electric car for the rest of us.

Most electric cars. Due to the speed the technology is making the newest one obsolete and there isn’t anything particularly stylistically ground breaking on the newest gen to make them stand out which I guess is what they are going for. Having a 15 year old Mazda with 100 miles of range (when it was new!) when

Tesla Model Y.

My first thought was “this is the best looking new car interior I’ve seen in years”

Easy.... Model 3.

All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office.  No one gives a shit about any of these things.  No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.

2. Reduce the cattle population and limit beef production

ICE vehcles are only a small part of the problem and to ad-lib a Rage lyric a little bit - fuck the G ride, its the machines that are making them that are the real problem.

Nuclear power for everything stationary, natural gas for everything that moves. Global warming will slow on its own. It always has.