Be grateful the office didn’t have its way and make me replace it with a picture of Captain Picard.
Be grateful the office didn’t have its way and make me replace it with a picture of Captain Picard.
Consider me embarrassed, consider it fixed!
If Rogue One is coming to Netflix, why is your caption picture from A Force Awakens?
My racist boss (who claims not to be racist because is wife is Mexican) burned himself on a trip in Hong Kong and tells his “hero story” of how he just wrapped up his hand and flew back to the US before having it looked at. I told him that Hong Kong has an excellent healthcare system and he looked at me like I was a…
If you’re not willing to have a Filipina nurse attend to you in America, you’re running a very big risk of not getting any treatment anywhere. I knew a guy who got evacuated from the Philippines because he refused to let a Filipinx doctor operate on him. By the time he went into surgery in San Francisco he was…
Not shocking to me. My daughter is brown and she works as an LNA at a nursing home, sweet old ladies tell her they don’t want her to touch them and ask for another LNA instead. Hard for me to fathom someone who is old and unable to care for themselves turning away someone helping them because of skin color but there…
In 2013 Tonya Battle sued a Flint, Mich. hospital when a supervisor held a meeting to inform the hospital workers that parents of a child in the neonatal ICU unit didn’t want black members of the staff caring for the newborn—even posting a note that read: “No African American nurse to take care of baby.”
Sounds good. Also have a good security guard or two on staff in case somebody flips their shit and tries to hurt the staff.
Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.
That’s pretty much got to be the epitome of frank stupidity—you don’t want people who could save your racist, bigoted life to do anything for you....because of the amount of melanin in their skin?! You mean that’s it?! That’s your threshold?? If that’s the case, quit wasting everybody’s fucking time and just stay…
Thirteen people are trying to get this passed, right? Who exactly are these thirteen? And why the fuck isn’t the mainstream media covering this? At this point, I’m getting more news from Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver than I am from news outlets. And that is fucked up.
Democrats held several hearings on the ACA and debated it on the floor for 25 days
Sen. Murphy is on fire wth this speech! I recommend peeping at the entire excerpt. A bunch of the New England Senators are really acquiring themselves very well under our new world order. The Resistance is strong with them.
My students do not have meaningful memories of the AIDS crisis at its highest pitch — before the “cocktail” treatment was introduced in the 90s, for sure, HIV/AIDS was an automatic death sentence with a very short horizon. So I have to explain things like ACT UP, Larry Kramer, etc. It’s not as if AIDS went away, of…
This should be added to the article.
From the Seattle Times story:
No respect for black lives. They will keep doing because they know white people in a jury will never convict them. The same PD in the same city took this knife wielding white man alive, after three hours but she was shot on sight. Amerikkka indeed.