
Agreed. Colin Hanks was the one thing wrong with Dexter.

From what I’ve read, Lem also didn’t like any sci-fi writers besides Philip K. Dick.

Bojack Horseman only allowing themselves one use of “fuck” per season is a good example of that. When it hit, it was powerful every time.

Crap. Atlanta’s just chillin too. And people swear to me Stranger Things isn’t cancelled. Know what I’m nostalgic for? Regularly scheduled programming.

It probably should’ve ended after S3 or 4 at the latest. The first 3 were about perfect, but it’s run into the problem of vertical character development. I quit S5 because everyone had all the same problems but more and louder. They could never figure out anywhere else for them to go and make the story work, and it

Yay! Not a slideshow! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

No “Whenever You’re Ready,” the Good Place finale? I call BS.

I’m not saying that people can’t learn and grow in terms of taste, but people seem to forget how much people loved Ready Player One when it came out, including The AV Club, which gave the book an “A.” I feel like that evolution is way more interesting as a phenomenon than talking about how good or bad the first book

Now playing

Wait, wait ...hold up just one MINUTE! How on earth can we have an article about bi characters on TV, and neither the article nor the comments here on the AV Club mentions DARRYL WHITEFEATHER!!

In the great divide over Andie McDowell, I am firmly on the side of those who never, ever got her appeal. Compared to other romantic lead actresses of her generation, like Meg Ryan, Geena Davis and Holly Hunter, I never got any hint of spark, no sense that she was ever able to give a line reading that connected to

Given that Lindsay Graham is actually a transitioning Ellen DeGeneres from an alternative universe, I’ll give that a strong maybe.

when I was at the cinema a few days back the trailer for this was playing in the foyer , but I missed the title at the end .I thought “ huh they finally made a movie of Wheels and the Legman” from American Dad” ..or possibly Ironsides the movie.


well fuck, what do they even have left? Nathan, Detroiters, Another Period gone... i don’t think i give a shit about any of their remaining shows. there’s still Broad City, i guess.

For whatever reason, one of the several times this episode really broke my heart was when BoJack DOESN’T say Sarah Lynn is dead. He mentions Herb, and points out that he’s “also dead now,” and then he says Sarah Lynn’s name, and there’s a really really brief pause, and it just killed me.

The song reminded me of what BoJack told Sarah Lynn when she was a kid:

I’m glad this season exists for two reasons:

Alternative headline: Stinker Trailer Snowman Why?

You should finish season four!

This was actually my favorite social issue episode they’ve done thus far. It moved along quickly and didn’t get too didactic while still being biting as shit, e.g. Princess Caroline’s “No?”