
did you have a stroke? what happened? what are you doing??


so stacey dash thinks the 55 year old white men at fox news who do nothing and make 3 times what she makes, are better than her?

Cigars & Stripes owner/lunatic - if your bar is funhouse-themed - HANG A FUNHOUSE MIRROR IN YOUR BATHROOM. one that makes people look squiggly and distorted. two-way mirrors are not on-theme, that is not a thing. replace it, on halloween, with your spooky scary sight-gag, if you must. but if you want a funhouse theme

a person could go in an lie in wait, or set up recording equipment and leave it there, or any number of ways that the door being accessed only from inside the bathroom is still a problem.

or “disproportionally imprison our fathers”

“I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to find a job because of my own stupidity.”

i got fat as soon as i started to get boobs so as to remain unharassed. it worked!

my very-american sister got a 4-page rant from her husband’s brother imploring her to save her baby’s penis on the morning of the bris. he didn’t come to the bris, he made scenes before and after, lectured his own (jewish btw) parents, and i think they finally got him to shut up about it when they did it to the second

same here; fuck that noise; i am insensitive and oblivious; and yet, i still have a vagina!

maybe chess pieces are really heavy?

he has a grown daughter already. sir, you’re not going to be any better at it this time around.

Did he have the decency at least to have you look him up on Facebook and see he's lost his hair?

worst pain ever

my sister does this and reuses one for up to 2 weeks at a time and i think it's revolting.


"crazy" is not a diagnosis.

#8 is always the biggest to me. when i walk away from a movie wondering; i wonder what it was like on paper when Kevin Bacon, Jeff Bridges and Mary Louise Parker signed on.

i LOVE this one

Oh. Okay, well, say you really