
the police can't remove anyone from student housing or reschedule their classes to keep the people apart pending a 2-year long wait until criminal court.

If you are older than 31 and define yourself as an aspiring [dream job here] but haven't done anything about it. Aspiring director but just a PA? Ok maybe? But aspiring director but working at radio shack and zero projects in your free time? No, you a clerk. Do something or admit defeat. Nothing less attractive than a

"I said no. I told him didn't want to do it and it hurt and all that stuff. You know how that goes."


I've heard this too. Their brains break.

i sat across from a very posh but very very drunk girl on the subway once. it was only like 10pm, too. she was wavering. reguritating something. hiccupping, bad. then delicately opened her little clutch, hocked a loogie into as quietly as possible, spit it in, and snapped it shut.

i was in line at the post office once, and was SO ANNOYED by someone's phone chirping continuously until the person ahead of me got their package and it was not an electronic chirp at all, it was a box o chirping chickens.

you are trying to apply universal, non-newtonian science to a newtonian world. you may be right, but it's irrelevant on so small a scale.

some of the replies you've gotten are downright foolish.

I'm with you for myself; that power imbalance/unfairness is not worth it. But I know others who only want a part-time thing. If the "other woman" is non-exclusive and has a full life/low demands, eh, who am I to judge?

nor does yours. this is pure exploitation of male insecurities, and everyone can see it if they take a step back. these people do not want you to succeed.

losers: they are ripping you off and laughing about it. these people do not want you to succeed. you are an easy mark. they are exploiting your insecurities.

it was sold to me as "hamlet on bikes," maybe it was oversold to me? i love Justified and Breaking Bad and i LOVE 40% of the cast of SOA, but i just can not get into it. i don't love the violence (i don't hate it either, it just kinda bores me), but i honestly think what it is is, i don't care about the dudes. male

i don't get this show. i gave it a couple shots, honest. but i just don't damn get it.

i was a third-party observer in this case. but yes i have also whipped around and caught them in the past. why shouldn't i? if the argument is "get over it" they can get over being caught just as easy as we can get over being stared at.

do people not do the "utensils crossed, leave my plate be, utensils parallel, remove it" thing anymore?

I'm beginning to embark on that and trying to find out who she is.

in a way, I'm ok with this. There have been 800 miles of magazine print dedicated to telling women if they were just thinner, blonder, more polite, better cooks, wearing better clothes, higher shoes, be wilder in bed, but not too much, they would get the guy. How you like it, boys?

"And, even worse, Moskvin would regularly leave little notes" <—disagree. that is not worse than the preceeding.

So we don't fucking want you to. You get the fuck over it. there's nothing wrong with a little criticism, princess.