
the day i became taller than my older sister, i began getting all the babysitting requests, people just assumed i was the eldest. i still lord that over her puny, delicate little feminine frame.

it's so violating. because he's trying to hide it, so he knows it's wrong.

yes, sometimes my lyrics are sexist

man, i had so many comebacks lined up in my head, 1/2 block later. all i managed at the time was a sneer. commenting on other people's behavior is not for your face!!

i haaaaate the turnaround-stare. like, be more disgusting, please, try. i understand people have eyes and some people are attractive, and looking is ok. staring is not, and turning around to pan up and down and stare at someone's ass is NOT ACCEPTABLE. WHO RAISED YOU. recently a guy did it on the subway platform, and

today i got "smoking is not for beautiful women" and i was smoking so... are you trying to control my behavior or are you saying i'm not beautiful, or both, or what? be clear with your unsolicited criticism, please!

his defensive response proves to me he's just using it for cover. if he really thought it was consensual and they later revealed any kind of distress, he should be mortified, not angry. that is his failure, his responsibility, to ensure this exact thing does not happen.

"Fucking Amanda Palmer" i'm sure she's already producing an artistic nude modern dance piece/porno by this name.

oh, Amanda. SMH

she is so basic. go get a pumpkin spice latte, girl, you earned it.

but they are only advocating for things that affect straight white males. domestic violence in male homosexual relationships is huge, but when have they ever mentioned that, icky butt stuff, lol

they should be honest and call themselves White Straight Men's Rights Advocates

worse than when feminism cause the sharknado?

her mom knows, and is not-ok with it, everyone who knows is not-ok with it and has said so, and there's been no moving in yet, but he is around them, i imagine SOMETIMES it's alone, and i just... don't know what to do now. her argument seems to be "he's changed" and "he did his time" and "it wasn't like they say it

isn't that a last resort, though? i mean can such people be snapped out of it? i understand the human ability to deny and excuse, but... if the person was somewhat reasonable before, is there any way to reach them?

DA usually stands for "District Attorney" does it not?

what does one do upon hearing one's friend or family member is choosing such a person as their significant other? can they be convinced? must they just be cut out? what if the sex offender is around/may someday move in with children? what can be done, as an outsider?

is it a choice between a woman who scrapped her way into the job despite intense harassment and skepticism, or a fat old white dude who got the job 20 years ago because of his last name?

honey, no. you can't act like this, no matter what John Mulaney has been telling you.