
Starboard or port?

correlation does not equal causation.

everry frat bro douchebag in my college played more hours of video games than the acne-ridden Monty Python enthusiasts who fit the image. gamers, your identity has been gone for over a decade, and you only notice once you looked around and saw some women?

i had to rescue a stranger from someone like this once. he was not getting the hint, she was visibly uncomfortable, and had made pleading eye contact with me.

adding a ", please?" don't hurt neither. me likey.

i think she may truly never have been made aware that she is allowed to say no to sex? she's writing from experience. sad, empty, resentful experience.

i never said or suggested that it was common.

i was agreeing with you. even if they make it a warzone, it's still meaningless. because...

right, because female soldiers NEVER get assaulted.

that's not true of most rapists. most find their own behavior perfectly justified and not criminal.

if people would just stop being victims, our crime stats would be AMAZING. let's have them all just... try... not? being a victim? how hard is that!

what ratio would make them equal?

go fuck yourself.

this is horribly written. was this excerpted as one chunk or are there huge gaps missing? you did this book no justice with this post.

lol you're hilarious.

the look on their faces is actually respect. game recognizes game.

I do not believe LW1 enjoys drinking 40s on the stoop.

a male friend recounted to me an encounter, in which he describes in every way, a rape. he was very drunk. she was not. he did not ever consent to any part, and actively said no and tried to get away, repeatedly said no, tried to use force to remove the woman, and never even "gave in" at any point. i replied "that's

Martian Manhunter, he could get it.

that is a deliberate misreading of the law.