
i'll be honest, i read this yesterday, and it just super creeped me out.

"more than half of america" is not a very good argument. have you met people? they are hopelessly stupid.

you're a failure.

i think the fade-out is useful/acceptable/preferable in situations like you describe. a one-date or a up-to-2-hookup situation. not everything has to be an egotistical dramatic "but i don't looooove you" conversation. it can just fade away. that's ok.

Men took that network and crammed it full of pornography.

i cannot recall what my mother told me, but i distinctly remember my older sister reading aloud from Cosmo about how important it is to see your guy-nickle-ogist once a year, and that your guy-nickle-ogist will give you a pap smear and i had to interrupt her and say "DO YOU MEAN GYNECOLOGIST? YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME"

yes, you have to explain it to your sons. you also have to explain the fearmongering news tactics and ridiculous double standard of violence vs. sexuality in media. it's called being a parent in this world.

the "real world" sucks ass. all the more reason to let young people enjoy themselves and express themselves freely until the real world catches them and crushes their spirit., which will happen to all of them soon enough.

not that i expect a person named Jefe Wine to be cool, but, man, why can't you just be cool? this is not cool.

pack it up, kinjers, no one will top (bottom) this.

but why can't you believe you are attracted to a certain type and also acknowledge your unintentional racism? why go through all this to pretend you are not something you are? you have chosen to define your sexual preference along race lines. that makes you racist. not institutional-disenfranchisement level racist,

colin jost is the head writer for the entire show. no one is displacing him.

Don't be stupid, of course you can be a little racist.

you may equate the term racist with laying blame. it need not be so. it can be descriptive. maybe that's part of your problem. "racist" is something almost everyone is, to one degree or another. to pretend only bad-bad people are worthy of the term is just an excuse to examine nothing, change nothing.

man, white people are really terrified at identifying their own behavior by the word "racist," aren't they?

the preferences do not exist in a vacuum. they are influenced by a society which is often racist, sexist, fattist, heightist, etc. so yes, a preferences that completely aligns with the worst of society, is all of those things, it's not a harmless coincidence.

preferring brunettes doesn't make one a bigot. there is no social-historical construct of idealizing brunettes or dislike blondes.

i'm not dating anyone i don't have at least a shot of taking in a fair fight (and i don't fight fair), whether it be doughy or skinny, no preference. but no muscle-bound hunks for me, no thank you.

if his book has stories of lots of rage blackouts and violence towards his friends, isn't that bad enough? why is it worse that he punched a woman? he's a dick. he's a dick because he was violent. he's not a dick because he was violent towards one woman, but it was cool youthful-male stuff before that which was

i live in NYC and i would fuck any one of you for a washer-dryer and the space to put it in.