Oh so he just should've been more SKILLED at obtaining the objects of his penis-wants. Oh, ok.
Oh so he just should've been more SKILLED at obtaining the objects of his penis-wants. Oh, ok.
Daddy bought him a BMW, should've bought him therapy.
I don't think this guy can be dismissed as "crazy" at all. He says things that are posted every day on this very site. He just took action. But his motivation is commonplace and evident everywhere, including here.
"co-parent" also bores me. But what else, for involved parents who are no longer together romantically?
He is totally a bottom. She's not ready to top yet, though.
sounds reasonable and honest to me. Did it not load the tweet you're blogging about?
take care of yourself, ok ?
they are hard to get and temporary and not that enforceable, especially in a traditional-campus situation. the cops would have to coordinate new housing with the college anyway. and work with them to reassign classes, etc. and they wouldn't want to do any of that to begin with.
but false reporting rates aren't a deterrent for police to investigate any other crime. why not the identitiy-theft-victim-who-cried-wolf or the iphone-theft-victim-who-cried-wolf or any crime other than male-on-female rape?
also, in most cases, local police cannot force an accused to move out of a dorm, for example, or remove him from class. schools do have the power to do that, and do it much quicker than the proper criminal channels would allow.
it's not changed, it's just revealed.
it sounds like a cuckold fantasy, which is nearly-universally a male fantasy.
I don't need to explain my art to you, Warren.
i was a firm believer that all pinks and all reds "go" and it took until i was mid-teens to discover i was wrong.
because THEY WERE.
stirrup pants are a bit of alright, though.
it's literal. You're literally shallow. It's irrelevant if you acknowledge it or not, it's what you are doing.
you're not sorry.
also it's not a personal difference if opinion about "shallow". It's the literal definition. A surface characteristic. You're shallow. It's not insulting, it's descriptive.
"Excess" is a meaningless word in this context .