Not most. Many. And many more who have had their natural inclinations re shaped by society.
Not most. Many. And many more who have had their natural inclinations re shaped by society.
yes, and people describe those cats "your cat is like a dog" a slutty, ingratiating, dignity-less dog. ohhhh gaaaahhhdd i love you soooo much never leaaaaave me, where are you goooooing, can i come toooooo GET SOME PRIDE, DOG. HAVE SOME DAMN SELF RESPECT.
they are always badasses. it's just they rarely utilize their skills in a way that benefits humans directly. i'd rather have a yard free of moles than whatever it is modern dogs do besides look cute and warm the bed (which cats also do). cats are more useful, and less showy. classy.
i don't care what you seriously doubt. the idea of a man finding a woman attractive enough to fuck, but not attractive enough to date, is a thing which happens to many people. men are not choosing who they are chemically attracted to based on social rules. they are choosing who they are openly socially romantic with…
irrelevant to this discussion. she is discussing men whose dicks get plenty hard. get real hard. real, real hard. are happy to stick it in her. but do not want to hold her hand in public afterward. because of what outsiders will think about what gets their dicks hard.
dogs are love sluts.
legal cases take a long time, the accused should, in some cases, be removed from campus in addition to the slow wheels of actual justice, so it's really not an either-or.
would it make a difference? cops mishandle rape cases every day too.
she goes back to check on him... :s :s :s all the feels
maybe you were but didn't notice? i am very forward for a chick (for a person), but even then i've been on "dates" where the other person didn't realize it was anything like that. possibly because as a fat chick i am such a non-person, non-sexual-object that it would never cross their mind that any activity with me…
i can relate to this piece because, i want to have the attitude/experience you describe. and most of my heartbreaks have been for people who DID find me desirable, chemically. great chemistry. desire. mutual physical attraction. but it doesn't work out for shitty social reasons, like judgments or money or time or…
more recent than that. up through the 50s, they sold weight gain products to women to cure them of dreaded thigh-gap. not like, weird side fetish products. blockbuster, mainstream, advertised-everywhere products.
it may not work on an individual scale. on an interpersonal-scale. but it certainly COULD work on a meta-scale from an entertainer on Louie's level. and it might have some effect on an impersonal but individual level. as in, not the rejected telling the shallow they are being shallow, but a media figure telling them,…
no, people can ask them why they think they want that something different (it's not something different, it's something same). that is was Louie is doing here.
the bubble is real, and it is a pocket universe, and i can't imagine how nice everything looks from in there. it's not just "hot," though. it's charisma. it's a combination of relative-wealth, baseline physical attractiveness, inherent kindness, plus other undetermined qualities that get someone into that bubble life.…
also i absolutely think human beings can be trained to like anything. there is significant historical evidence of this. neck-extensions, foot-binding, ads in the 40s for women's weight GAIN products because chicken-legs (thigh gap) was so supremely UNattractive.
i had a boy in college (this does seem to get better with age) complain regularly about women not approaching men, and the unfairness of that, in a philosophical sense. then, when a very conventionally-attractive friend asked him out, positive that he would say yes, and he said yes, went on one date, dumped her, and…
sidenote: i've recently noticed that among my friends (mid-30s, many divorces going on now), one common thread is that all my tall girls with shorter/same-height husbands, seem to weathering this period of turmoil better than most. tall chicks rule? or short dudes who DGAF what others think, or the combination = a…
one who isn't interested in that particular individual. probably because he is superficial and entitled.