
that is amazing.

she look good.

ohhhh! (yes, i call those the abattoir days. full of misery and blood and no one wants to drive past there if they can avoid it). and yes, i have seen the state of that bathroom. i saw the cleaner (or, a person pushing a mop, in new york you never do know), leaving so i thought, "how bad can it be?" and popped in,

thank you! i r a winnar!

i have a twofer: at the Delancey St subway station, both these incidents occurred. either one is not really noteworthy, but a week apart, on the exact same section of platform at the same station, i was amazed.

i am interested in glamour shots of men. not necessarily butch hetero men, but with an option for that. not men fawning in feminine-mocking poses, but being done up to a higher-than-normal degree and photographed in flattering poses and then photoshopped into pure loveliness. not fashion shots either. like boudoir

i can conceed that. however, i would say that while it is a valid request to include a qualifier "some," the fact that every discussion is overwhelmed by the "not it" response, is a problem of male (some males's) ego. WHEN someone includes the correct qualifier, male responses are almost entirely absent. the MAJORITY

so how would you communicate, in an off-the-cuff written medium, if "some men" is not sufficient (reading over these comments, VERY few people say "all" men. many say "men" which is non-specific, and definitely not all-encompassing). what? "certain, specifically identified hetereosexual cisgendered males"? why should

that's my point "defend myself" why - it's not about any one individual man, other than this specific stabber. to jump in and say "not it" is to derail the conversation for selfish reasons. until they spoke up, i never thought it applied to them. "men react badly to rejection" "well i don't" ok. conversation over.

if someone makes a dumb blonde joke, and a person replies "well i'm blonde." or "my mother is blonde." that person is an egomaniacal idiot, right? they were obviously not the intended target of the conversation. to assume everything is about you and it is your duty to point out that you are not among the group

i think we all already realize that not all men are stabbers. do these guys think those people are being literal?

you should talk less and listen more. your opinion is not relevant here. many women commenting here do have opinions that are relevant, that you could learn from.

do you think anyone, women, men, dogs, anyone, needs to be informed that "not all men" are stabbers?

phhhblttt. your opinion is not noteworthy. no one asked for it, and it's common. that is the social standard. to protect the delicate male egos of all because it might upset some. no one is screaming all men are evil or saying the walk terrified down the street, quivering and pissing themselves, ok. you can straw-man

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it is SO FUN. ok, i will reply to you again after this one, so you can test it out. hover over the upper-right corner of my (second, pending) comment. a down-arrow will appear. click it, and select "x Dismiss" ok, ready?

you don't deserve respect. you could earn respect if you would listen and accept that you don't know everything. fight you r innate instinct to mansplain away other people's opinions which do not match yours.

are the only options: outrage, bruised ego, mild butthurt, or silence? if yes, yes; silence please. there are many other reactions, like condemning those violent men, for example, that would be preferable.

read these comments, talk to women, read the statistics. people are not overreacting. it's not often a stabbing. but it's often something worth avoiding, and it's NOT an overreaction or a "frenzy of fear." this is very real. and does not need you minimizing it. society already minimizes it constantly, and that's how

it doesn't happen every time. it happens a lot. a LOT. "it" being a negative, frightening, upsetting reaction to a rejection. not a stabbing every time. but yelling, shoving, hitting, harassing? that happens. all. the. time. nearly every woman has experienced this. so do not tell us we're overreacting when we have a