
do me a favor. you just said you didn't realize it was anonymous, that she claimed to not know his reputation, and you also said it was two guys (it was Richardson and a female assistant). so re-read the post. then read your response. she says, in it, that it was a mistake and she should have left. your reply begins,

funny. to sane, empathetic people, your post started out scary.

no, you're wrong, and i caught you. ha-ha haaaaa. and you're so insecure and arrogant you can't concede anything. you're a fool. and everyone who knows you in real life, they know it too. you come to the internet because none of your friends will engage with you anymore, because you are the asshole who will never

no. you are the liar now. she is NOT making herself a victim who couldn't have known better. she said the OPPOSITE. this is why you need to listen more and type less.

actually that's great advice! i have openly told anyone who would ever listen in any semi-related context that i loathe surprise birthday parties and they are mean and i hate them, so maybe that's actually enough to cover this, a surprise birthday party x10. i will reiterate. "i hate surprise birthday parties and

"Now with this guy in particular, he's guilty of being a sexually malicious perverted guy who makes sex common place at his work, much to many model's possible discomfort. As far as I know, that's not a crime"

i would like, for the sake of my faith in humanity, for you to realize, or admit that you realize, what you are doing. you are soooo certain, so sure you have all the answers, and you seem to not notice that all your certainty is against one party and you've said nothing whatsoever about the merest possibility that

do you really not see yourself? you're amazing. when i ask specifically, twice, you can't bring yourself to even pretend-criticize him in 1/10th the degree you are psychotically railing against her?

i've been trying to recall my Dos. i think i have told people, but maybe i should reiterate: i just want to be cute, to be just the two of us, and to either pick my own ring or anyways have a non-diamond chosen for me that i can exchange without feelings being hurt. so if we're at a party and i look cute, on the way

so you have VERY clear ideas about what she "should" have done, and you can articulate no solid suggestions for his alternate behavior? it doesn't spring to your mind that, even allowing for some embellishments or whatever else you are calling it when you are calling her a liar, you do not feel the need to specify

be clear: you think she "should" have left. what do you think he "should" have done differently, if anything?

see also the "well *I* wouldn't stand for it" argument. well yeah, that's why he didn't target you. that's how he's gotten away with it so long. he chooses people whom he can most easily victimize.

:( i hate it, but you're right.

i hope so. the alternative is certifiably insanity. i wish i'd never responded.

you're crazy.

where did i suggest i assumed to know? i didn't say: you don't know, and i do. i said you don't know. you are assuming. you are wrong to assume. you are an armchair jockey right now, and you need to sit down.

you aren't being objective in the least. he took his dick out. that's called flashing, and it's criminal. they were both there under the pretense of a professional job, and he took his dick out. she had agreed to perform a professional service - and he took his dick out and jacked on her face.

you do not know what you would do in such a situation, and what you think you would do is irrelevant, because she is not you, and this is not about you.

right? it gives me a panic attack just thinking about it. what if she's not ready! what if they invite her one aunt she hates! what if she wanted to pick out a cake or what if she's not ready? what if she didn't want it this way, and what if this is all just too much pressure? gah!

it's a little early to address directly. i've told my friends and sister, so that if he goes asking, he will be told, but, i would like to have an engaged friend and have a very loud pointed discussion wiht her with him in the room about what i would consider acceptable/unacceptable, in the guise of hearing about her