
how does one broach the subject of proposal/wedding/engagement ring nightmare scenarios in the presence of a beau who is not thinking of anything so rash at that exact moment, but you kinda want him to have a heads' up that things like public proposals are absolute bullshit and surprise weddings are awful and a big

that's not healthy for your poop chute. shit or get off the pot.

it does it if you do it right

he's off on the numbers but he's right on the premise.

i think Jezebel should agree to not publishing any more celebrity kid photos too. or blur the faces when reporting on other media's publishing of said photos.

i train myself and others in that situation by replying, "do YOU want me to help with the dishes?" because of course nobody wants those things. it causes me and the other party to giggle, lightening the mood, and also acts as reminding them they have permission to ask for things directly.

haha, this book reeks of self-loathing and scatching long-term life regret. Old lady , just 'cause you fucked up your life doesn't mean you got it all figured out. Go rent Peggy Sue Got Married and cry into your shapeless sequined sweater.

some local cops send people back to campus police. sometimes they have to, because the campus literally has legal jurisdiction. it's a madhouse. calling 911 from a campus phone dials the campus police, not real cops. people in authority will tell victims contradictory things, or courses of action that may not be in

with respect, you have no idea what you would do.

Imagine you getting thrown in jail because somebody claimed you stole something without any evidence whatsoever.

this doesn't even go into the whole racism issue among MRAs. these people care about: men, who are white. period end of list.

this is relevant to my interests

"The more I read of what you write, the more I'd be interested in hearing from the other half of both couples in which you were /are the other partner."

that's awful. but you don't owe him friendship, or a friendship he decides he wants: set boundaries now. now! "yes we can be friends but let's not discuss our new beaus." simple as that. my guess is he'll scoff and run roughshod over that boundary, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

i don't think the focus should be on finding one "forever" person. find the best person for the stage of life you're in now, and worry about the next stage at the next stage.

Stop Apologizing 101

well, this being the internet, surely you can see how one might imagine that a significant number of people who choose to type "i'm fine!" are either lying or incorrect about themselves. again, not you personally, but that was not an absurd prediction to make. few people understand themselves, and fewer still are

i think i concluded you were defensive because this isn't about you. why would anyone read this, completely personalize it, to the point of becoming irritated? it's not about you, when they discuss "spanked children" in general, they do not mean you personally. there are always exceptions, and if you think you are

that's true, in a sense. if there were truly a study of straight gender of purchasers of coke that did not account for anything else, that would be one relevant anecdote, but it would be a terrible study to begin with, and even then, your one anecdote, if the study was done properly, should be a drop in a bucket and

i didn't intend to be aggressive or condescending, nor did i intend for everyone to start airing their anecdotes. i intended the opposite, but hey, people are... unpredictable :) which is why they should probably avoid discussions originating from a personal point of origin, it's bound to get defensive and clouded.