yes, that is why anecdotes are meaningless, and all the actual data shows that spanking is inefficient at best and damaging at worst. so it doesn't matter that you turned out fine. maybe you did. that's irrelevant.
yes, that is why anecdotes are meaningless, and all the actual data shows that spanking is inefficient at best and damaging at worst. so it doesn't matter that you turned out fine. maybe you did. that's irrelevant.
but you don't know how you might've turned out without the spanking, which is why anecdotes are meaningless.
quote the masturbation part!! Creepy creepier creepiest creep creepstofferson!
He did her a favor- he did her nothing but favors at which she turned up her snot-ass little nose-jobbed nose!
tell 'em, jenny!
also lelaina, your documentary film was terrible and you should feel bad.
14-year-old-Spork "oh ethan hawke is the coolest. so gritty. so genuine."
we had a good ken and a bad ken. bad ken had real hair and hands that came off, so he would, somehow, disheveled and handless, kidnap barbie and good ken would try, and fail, to rescue her. usually good ken would die in the attempt and barbie would have to extricate herself, usually by using her hands to kill…
chris brown sounds more and more like a rich, entitled, untreated victim of childhood sexual assault every day.
honestly yeah, i kinda want to mark him in a classier way than a t-shirt with "back off bitches" printed on.
i don't think it's petty at all.
so what? that makes the harassment ok? "well, you should've known people are bad, and therefor you should do nothing about them being bad, because whatareyougonnado?
oh when the goal is marriage, women's bodies are an economic resource. but when the goal is cash, women are whores, got it.
(Do not even get me started about Brandon Sanderson having to finish the Wheel of Time series.)
talk less, listen more.
would the fathers be legally forced to participate too?
first of all, "feeling like no one is giving them a chance" is a problem. they aren't owed a chance.
did jane fonda do cocaine in your hotel bathroom lobby too?!
your opinion about paying money to see exploited children matters this much: .