
i don't think that's selfish at all. "selfish" denotes something that benefits you at someone else's expense. and unless you're lying about shooting blanks, there's really nothing selfish about being responsible for your own sake and theirs.

anyone have any recommendations for the medium-fat-calved among us? a lot of regular boots are too narrow, but every "wide calf" i've bought it ridiculously large around on me. is there anything in-between, or is stretch my only option?

yeah, people are jerks to folks of both genders who are childless by choice. mind your business, society. it doesn't concern you. even you, gramma, it's relaly not about you. sit down.

brother if i told you about every complication i've had or heard about from female friends you would think just cutting your balls off entirely would be a fair risk.

it's the responsible choice on your part if you're secure in that decision.

a perfectly safe and reversible day-surgery.

my sister sings to our dog a variation on "Dreidle dreidle" that involves pooping and butt-smelling.

i think the fact that this method is almost entirely the man's responsibility should be noted. men who don't want children... get a vasectomy. men who want to feel some kind of control of your partner's potential pregnancy but don't want to get snipped: this is pretty much your only option. and it's not great. so.

she's no faker than anyone else whose livlihood relies on publicperception. she's probably significantly less fake, for now. of course, after her first backlash, she will be just as guarded and cultivated and cleared-by-PR-people as everyone else and it will be BORING. so THANKS, MEDIA. for RUINING EVERYTHING.

but if, as in this case, you had a "live-in babysitter" those responsibilities would differ from traditional-nanny duties how?

this kind of thing makes me wish there was a war on christmas. or a war of christmas. battle it out, sects. santa-fiiiiight!

contracts which violate existing laws are not valid.

what's the difference, if i may ask?

i'm kinda surprised that anyone would claim not to know about elfman or masterson.

"Besides me being weird doesn't mean you can swat me off like a fly when you're done."

Mary Matalin-James Carville?

what did one magnet say to the other magnet?

I try not to be a dick to anybody - not just the people who have potential blackmail material on me. Because being a dick is wrong. Even against people who have done me wrong. "first" in my interpretation. Because I'm not in 3rd grade.
And I think you really are just not getting the scale difference. Hurt you bad.

or what?

i truly need you to understand that yes,