
why does she act like she can just cut herself off from me so unceremoniously as if there is nothing I can do about it?

you are completely right that when the target is a woman, the theme is almost EXCLUSIVELY sexual. the threats are sex-based. the revenge is not financial or career-oriented, or familial, almost never. it's almost always about slut-shaming. whereas with men the revenge has a wider array of thematic choices. and that is

"when from my perspective, I did everything right." well you didn't. at best, you chose the wrong kind of person and didn't evaluate her personality well enough. more realistically, you did a ton of shit wrong, and it'll be better for you and everyone around you if you sit down and figure out what those things are.

oh to be fair, i've known a fair number of completely unhinged evil revenge-minded women. they're bad people. and a fair number of them have said things like dogmatix here, like "and i could've logged into his credit card accounts and mess his shit up, but i didn't, aren't i great?" or "and i should've emailed his

i need dis

[T]here is nothing in the world she can do to get them back," you said. To me, that sounds like you are holding on to them because you know that you are holding something over her, and that makes you feel like you have more control over the situation.

let's say they did become your property when she sent them to you, and you want to keep them for private use, and not distribute them. ok. you're welcome? you like them, right? they're sweet sexy pictures. sweet sexy pictures are nice to have. these kinds of sites and your urges you are suppressing are the main reason

don't hate. you all told her she wasn't emotive enough, so she found a job where being blank-faced was a plus, and you still complain?

do you want a cookie for not being a shithole excuse for a human being or something?

how about a globe? they sell inflatable beach ball ones. i know i was fascinated with maps as a kid. or music? making a mix tape (? mix-playlist? no sure on logistics here) to ensure they grow up with proper musical tastes. or anything which is a kit. science kit, rock-polishing kit, ice-cream maker (the snoopy water

i agree with this article. however, i think people would be freaking out less if you offered positive suggestions of what to buy instead. what are the least-bad commercial options (i have no kids so i have no idea if there even are any), or what categories of gifts can one ask for to influence the gifts others buy

swiffering is fun and easy, Morty. even you can do it.

with WOMEN, i think you have to connect with them on an emotional level, whereas with MEN, you must exploit their fears, see.

look, i have had adverse reactions to every birth control method i've tried, except condoms, too. but that's me. that's my lot in life. i've discussed this with many medical professionals, and it's just something that happens sometimes.

i've dated shorter. if they don't have a Napoleon complex, it works out. then again, i am fat, so maybe they were already willing to date the less-than-socially-ideal partner when i came along.

can Anonymous please track down and email screencaps to each of these people's parents?

"Single Ladies" is a sexy video? a-whaaaat?

nobody understands the plight of the upper-middle-class white womenz.

p.s. i would read the shit out of the reviews of every single one of my exes. i would want google alerts to tell me when there is a new one.

in general i read online reviews critically, but i worry this would be too tinged with emotion. in a way, no one reviews a desk fan on Amazon unless they got a broken one, or it's a REALLY SPECIAL desk fan. few relationships end in a "3 out of 5 stars" way. and each sample size will be very small.