it's a disgusting troll, and did you read the whole comment? not "just a link" the commentary is that the girl who was gang raped was "making questionable choices."
it's a disgusting troll, and did you read the whole comment? not "just a link" the commentary is that the girl who was gang raped was "making questionable choices."
"ugly" seems to be used as shorthand for "thing i, a man, whose opinion matters, don't like" whether it be short hair or a loud laugh or not dressing feminine enough.
No one is telling girls that. I'm certainly not. Did you get confused and reply to the wrong person? Or are you really just this "dim."
Look at all your replies. If you truly don't see it, all the more reason for you to shut up and listen. You are not equipped for this level of conversation. This is an opportunity for you to learn - not teach.
No one asked for your advice. You're condescending and combative. Try to control yourself, and try listening instead of talking. You are not an expert, you in fact have nothing to contribute - you need to listen, not talk.
every reply makes you sound more like a rapist yourself.
"dim girl" - want to try that again?
there is nothing anyone can teach women so that this does not happen again. it will happen again, and it will continue to happen until boys are taught not to rape. crime victims are not responsible for avoiding criminals.
you should go and at the end of the date hand them a one-sheet on why this is not ok, will not work, and why they should stop doing it. have it end in "ha-ha."
yes you did.
"i have such a nice personality and i have such a good job and am generous with my money - what is important about me are these and other things that are not physical - now BRING ME ANY WOMAN I DEEM PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH. ANY ONE WILL DO."
since women's identities are no longer tied to the man in their life (moving form their father's name to their husband's, i no longer see the point of this. since i am now an old, i have had this name for 35 years, 17 adult years, i'm not going to change it now.
during a presentation to the whole company he snatched the notes out of his reportee's hands and said "if you don't shut up and do this presentation right i'm going to choke you out" (loud enough for all of us to hear) and finished his presentation for him. no one said anything.
i would like to post a "don't buy pink shit or anything with "save the boobies" printed on, do donate that same money to _________" but i got nothin to fill in that blank.
the weird guy on our floor freshman year systematically pulled almost every female resident aside and told them a variant of this sob story, which was just for their ears, and to please keep his secret for him.
my stars, what a magnificent find!
he may be a douchebag, but he is also obviously mentally ill and needs professional help.
your dad could get it. you, not so much.
all that matters i looking at who hates you. if they are bad, it is good that they hate you. racists hate me? awesome. sexists, u mad? ha-ha. jerks and idiots don't like me, GOOD. but if someone who mostly agrees with you and is being totally reasonable in conversation is finding you abrasive, it's time to examine…