
uh doy. ass-kicking violent women are a necessary stepping stone, but a truly feminist story is devoid of both hyper-feminine tropes AND macho bullshit, where people are just people, and equals, and flawed equally.

haha I love it!

i hope they're both sitting on the couch staring uncomfortably ahead at Orange is the New Black.

i am shocked, i thought it had no chance due to first amendment concerns.

art can't be criticized? but...

Stephanie, you can do better.

recent unfortunate developments in my personal life have me seriously considering actually going for the balls-out social-experiment brutal-honesty OK-cupid profile. i mean, it can't get any worse, and it might be fun to try out.

get ouuuut!

i guarantee that joe's internet history if full of guys being the ones getting their clothes ripped off and their hair pulled.

pink is very flattering on many skin tones.

but I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!

i don't see any issue with this, as an idea or in execution. her friends probably will have bitchy little faces. i certainly would've, at that age.

has that ever happened, with an account that got picked up by a jezebel-type site?

the idea of a Dorothy Sbornak - Maude Findlay BDSM relationship is very relevant to my interests please follow up with an update thanks.

so is it sexually gratifying for the dominant woman also? i thought part of the kink was that she DOESN'T get off on it. if all parties are receiving the same kind of psychological/sexual benefits, then i would say it's "more" egalitarian than a "kept woman" situation. otherwise i kinda just see this as a tiny little

ohhhhh. so all is socially expected if there is the rental of vaginal real estate involved. if not, absurdity/outrage ensues. got it.

i mean, a guy buys his mistress a car - that's already a thing. guy buys his Mistress a car, and we're all freaking out? i don't get it.

i don't really see a difference between this and and the more traditional situation of men who pay for their mistress's apartments, clothing, student loans, etc. except the power dynamic is reversed. the married man keeping a younger woman in the lifestyle he wants her controls all the money and power and gets paid

guys. dudes. you can't act like this. stop it. you're not cool or smart or clever or charming. you're an anti-social pervert. stop it.

7. You don't even have to believe in God, but you can if you want to, and there a lot of Gods, and not all of them are as evil as this guy's God.