
"And for the record i'm not butt hurt, I'm annoyed that women want everything changed because they don't like something," no, we want it changed because it's wrong. "if you don't like it, quit" is not a solution. that results in zero change. much like "if you don't like [politician or political issue], leave." is not

did feminazi steal your ice cream?

the mansplaining in this comment section is just delicious.

this is a time for you to listen, not for you to reject and challenge and question. yes, his mere presence in these circumstances caused fear. yes. this is a true thing. and "c'mon" is disrespectful and entitled. you listen now. shut up and listen. contemplate someone else's perspective, and do not dismiss it because

I think this might be the ultimate manifestation of Rape Culture. "Oh, who wasn't molested as a child? Get over it."

Age: 21

I have not read it. But in my local indie bookstore, an 80-ish year old woman came in, with a walker, and asked the under-20 cashier, "Has E. L. James come out with another book yet?" and they girl said "Who?" before she realized, and the look of utter horror and revulsion on her face was enough to make me want to

i absolutely think it could work as a spin-off! i think one issue for both superhero tv and movies, but especially tv, is establishing a credible universe where live-action people sometimes wear spandex but also other people wear normal clothes and drive normal cars and get coffee. so if Joss can figure out the

i would watch a she-hulk law dramedy right now today, marvel, and so would you. get on it.

that changes this from just gross to stomach-churning.

she must hate herself so much. this is tragic, i really mean that. i have such pity for her and the men who have to be around her.

LOL I did actually mean Bill, not the actor.

those all look pretty sweet and well-thought-out to me.

Pam can be in it, right?

they DO exist??

Oh, I am POSITIVE the actor himself must be real-world stunning. It's just that Bill, the character, is so (aside: I have not watched since season 3) is so... he's so... Bill, I can't. And those other guys are next to him all the time! How could anyone? I don't understand...

Someone honestly tried to tell me that they knew actual, alive women plural who find Bill attractive. I was like "No, you mean the blond guy" "no, Bill the guy who goes 'Suhkeehh' instead of 'Sookiee' " and I'm like "are you sure you don't mean the werewolf? He has dark hair too." "No, the 'Suhkehhh' guy!" and I just

Update: I saw a picture of him. Correction: Dear Vasily, half your string section is gay and thinking about each other/Bradley Cooper's chest.

Dear Vasily. Half your string section is gay and thinking about you all day every day.

well, if the federal court ruling didn't convince him, i'd say he drank the kool-aid. it basically rested on drafts of ID literature that were identical except for swapping out the word "creationism" for "intelligent design."