
Even the edges of King County start getting pretty Deliverance-y. As I told another commenter, I’m from Birmingham, AL, and spent four months out in Richland, but spent a lot of time traveling around the state. I for some reason was really surprised at how much the majority of WA reminded me of the most rural parts of

hard pass

Feminism still just seems like watered down womanism to me. I’m not interested in equality without justice. I’m not interested in an ideology without class critique, which considers the concerns of women of color, trans women, and sex workers extraneous instead of foundational. I’m not interested in a praxis that

She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.

for how long in American history was a latino owning a home legally punishable by burning that motherfucker to the ground with him inside it, and for how much longer after that was it de facto allowed.

Boooooy. I was getting ready to post a fire comment about an almost entirely white network of bloggers claiming the title of an ostensibly black website as their own. It’s a good thing I recognize The Root’s logo or else I’d have looked foolish.

Shhhh, let everyone think that, so they move to Portland, lol. Portland is a fucking dump.

Portland’s hype is out of control. No way is it better than Seattle (they get all their good ideas from Seattle- see Portlandia) especially since it’s becoming just as expensive. We had legal weed first and Carrie Brownstein is from Seattle.

I did laugh at Portland being ranked higher than Seattle. Only people from Portland believe that.

Guy can’t even draft a letter.

yall had the chocolate popcorn mixed with normal popcorn?

Even if it was just a link, why would it be different to the previous post by Barry linking to ESPN the Magazine’s article on the pyramid scheme direct marketing company Drew Brees is an endorser for? Or the many other links DS provides it’s reader to interesting articles around the interwebs?

Try skipping to the conclusion:

As a transwoman, I can definitely attest to society being more of a danger to us. When I was 24, I had my knees shattered as well as a few ribs, because some guys who were hitting on me, realized my “deception” as they called it. Not only were 3 guys working me over with a bat, and kicks, but there had to have been at

This asshole just called Riley Cooper elite unironically and got 14 other idiots to like his comment. What a time to be alive.

Yup, there’s no way he’s McArthur’s Fellow, either.

Now playing

Nope. We’ve seen peak basketball, but we let it die in the 90s because of backwards ideas like Pop’s.

I am lucky to be married to someone currently getting her Master’s in History and just this past weekend learned of Rosa Park’s early work on behalf of rape victims, most notably Recy Taylor. It’s amazing and unfortunate how little I, and I’m assuming most people, were taught about the civil rights movement and how

Yes. What annoys me most about this narrative is how it completely ignores the lifetime of activism that she led. In addition to ignoring her decades of work with the NAACP to seek justice for sexual assault victims, she was also interested in anti-authoritarian organizing. In the summer of 1955 she traveled to