
Right. Because any criticism, based on Sen. Harris’ record, is trolling? She sucks. The same way Obama sucks. Talks a good game, has enough progressive window dressing to hide a deeply troubling centrist core. We can talk about the ways in which black folks have to overcompensate to succeed in an anti-black,

Why would I vote for a fucking cop?

I love Felix. I love the (horrible, stupid, fucking) Mariners. But a bunch of white people shouting “K-K-K” any time he got two strikes always freaked me out. 

“What happens when instead of becoming enraged and shocked every time a Black person is killed in the United States, we recognize Black death as a predictable and constitutive aspect of this democracy? What will happen then if instead of demanding justice we recognize (or at least consider) that the very notion of

Was it at Jefferson? I used to date someone who worked in the cafe and I’d run into Russell a lot when I went to pick her up. One time, I was reading a golf magazine off the rack, waiting for her shift to be over, and Bill comes up to me, shakes my hand (his hands are gigantic; I’m 6'5" and his fingers felt like they

Marrying a black person doesn’t give you a pass to sit in The Root’s comment section and tell black folks how to respond to shit. Stay in your fucking lane.

Why the fuck am I a fucking Mariners fan?

The thought of James Baldwin’s and (punk ass) William F. Buckley’s modern day analogues as DeRay McKesson and Tomi Lahren has me in actual pain. I’m not saying you’re wrong, either. Just. Pain.

That was a real good episode. Needs like 20 more relatives and a bunch of bad-ass little kids to make it official, though.

Definitely was not expecting to see Fred Moten’s name in the Deadspin comments today (or ever).

Crystal or an El Yucateco sauce, depending on the food.

There’s more in the WaPo article:

+1 spinning plate.

It really doesn’t matter though, does it? We’re never going to get anything approaching justice from an anti-black criminal justice system run by an anti-black state in an anti-black society.

Are we acting like rap is about bars right now, though? The beat go, she has swagger and her delivery is catchy. That’s all it takes. I really don’t want to copy Rae Sremmurd or Migos verses, but all them niggas trash, really. No point in singling out Cardi B. Her rapping ability (or lack thereof) is nothing

Been a fan of this stupid team since birth. Cortez is my favorite Seahawk (RIP), 1980s blue was the best blue, Sam Adams came to my middle school and told us not to take drugs, and may every current Seahawk fan be launched into the fucking sun.

Seriously. The Broncos getting stomped by that much was so cathartic for young me. Elway and Atwater and Bobby Humphrey and Dennis Smith and the rest of those orange motherfuckers kicked the absolute shit out of the Seahawks every year (not to mention KC also kicking the absolute shit out of the Seahawks every year;

At least Amy Schumer, as wack as she is, hasn’t done literal blackface yet.

So, my problem isn’t that it’s satire, but rather that it’s profoundly anti-black. Referring to tall black men as if we’re inherently violent and referring to Sally Hemmings as a “light-skinned girl” next to a butter churn is just straight up disgusting. I guess if you’re not black you can elide that shit and defend

Everywhere except in the basket.