Steph Curry, Euroleague Final Four MVP Ekpe Udoh, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green, obviously.
Steph Curry, Euroleague Final Four MVP Ekpe Udoh, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green, obviously.
If this is a strong candidate for song of the summer, I’m rooting for Pyongyang.
I don’t know what to say. If you can’t understand whiteness as an ideology separate from skin color, uh, read more? Think harder? That’s like critical race theory 101.
Here’s the thing: good white people don’t exist. If you identify as white, if you derive any value or meaning from your whiteness, you are making the moral choice (as Baldwin says) to benefit from white supremacy. Whiteness as an ideology has no redeeming qualities, and it has no benevolent adherents. That’s the hard…
So, she’s right. People don’t usually get the death penalty for a robbery/murder. But the victim was white and the killer was black. We know (thanks to McClesky v. Kemp and countless other moments) that the death penalty is disproportionately applied to black folks in this situation. Just one of the many reasons it…
Two things: Anything outside King or Pierce County is red as fuck; being liberal has no bearing on whether or not you’re a white supremacist, only on how civil you are about it. Source: 30 years in Seattle.
That part. I was reading this whole interview with a screw face, like: haven’t black women figured all this shit the fuck out? She didn’t need to write this book, just read a few more.
Tell you to read more history, I guess.
You would have to make a rather large assumption to come to the conclusion that postbellum sharecropping wasn’t evil. The list is endless, really. It was well acknowledged by everyone involved (from plantation owners to the Freedman’s Bureau) that freed black folks needed to be controlled via exploitative contracts in…
This is dope. Unexpected and dope. Love the work y’all do. Kinja needed this shit.
People never miss an opportunity to be anti-black as fuck.
He’s technically right, which is the best kind of right. The problem is: McGrady’s peak was exactly one year. That one year was definitely better than Kobe’s best year, but that was it.
Uh huh. It’s too subtle.
The context of his life has nothing to do with how terrible this poem is. I don’t give a fuck if James Baldwin wrote this shit. It’s stupid. The first rule of irony and satire is: be good at whatever genre/perspective you’re satirizing. He failed at that.
Trillin’s whole jam is writing “humorously” bad doggerel. One day, when I’ve done enough respectability shucking and jiving to transcend this negrohood of mine and become a stately old white dude, my only hope is that, like Calvin here, I can gain renown and respect by being fucking terrible at my job on purpose.
That has always been the problem: the lack of a male analogue for the ridiculously oversexualized (in America) female breast. I propose we rally our top scientists and mathologists to tackle the issue of figuring out the proper dick-to-breast ratio in order to achieve titillative equilibrium.
I guess I can check campaign ads off on my Where Can I Watch Footage of a Black Person Dying bingo card.
Some were also sold down south by angry wives or punished severely for being the slavemaster’s child. Hard to say which outcome was more common.