
Was a buzzer beaten or not?

The bill gets a lot of the attention, but the really nefarious bit was Clinton’s expansion of the Byrne grants (and Biden’s continued push with Obama after Bush had reduced them).

He also said “of a real hitta” instead of “of a real nigga.” I love Kendrick, but hard to call it unapologetic when he’s being censored like that; it’s his art and either you want that shit or you don’t.

It’s not cursed. It’s predominately black. What you’re seeing is how American institutions look when they interact with large non-white populations.

But, if you flip the tape over, you don’t need to rewind.

Underrated snark, here.

Festive? It’s cold. That shit’s warm. Sweats, puffy jacket with the fur, Js, hat on (most likely over a head scarf because shit it’s early). That is black woman standard in the fall/winter months, at least where I’m from.

Came here to post about Recy Taylor. Thank you.

#WhiteOnCampus started trending like twelve seconds after #BlackOnCampus. Naturally.

I think you have a profound misunderstanding of how power differentials work, and the steps people take while living under intersecting oppressions to gain visibility.

Nah. You’re dead wrong about womansim. It came into being (via Alice Walker) to address the glaring blindspot feminism had (and still has) for black women.

I’m absolutely for reducing/reforming incarceration, but the idea that we can just let the non-violent offenders walk and end mass incarceration isn’t accurate. TNC’s latest piece goes into this very well.

All that time and money to eat some unseasoned-ass chicken. Shoulda grown some thyme, homie.

Human mating is so hard and stupid.

Yeah. This is the funniest shit ever to be kinja’d. Amazing.

Serious Pie? Bar Del Corso? Plenty of quality pizza in Seattle.

Shaun King is clearly mixed. Anybody black can look at that boy’s teenage photo and see he’s mixed. This shit is so corny.

is that a leopard print trilby?

i love netta. her stream of the horrible mike brown/tonedeaf exhibit was amazing.

well natasha has written her share of highly questionable shit. not surprising.