
Yes I did. And I will argue that the email reflects a rather insular narrative of childhood and the work of a scholar who is under read in the field of childhood studies or not interested in the most compelling research that would trouble the theoretical underpinnings of her reasoning. I am particularly aggrieved by

Ben Carson trying to be funny would probably violate the Geneva Conventions. Nevermind that it’d be a class action lawsuit waiting to happen for all the pain it would inflict on viewers; the dude would probably start a holy war by accident if he forgot his his lines and winged it for ten seconds.

Trying to preempt those comments doesn’t make them any less relevant.

Whoa, womanism is a valid alternative to feminism.

Look, guys, if you want long hair, all the power to you. But you have to remember to GODDAMN WASH IT AND COMB IT. FFS.

You’re right, I was doing a bit of overgeneralization. We would need to institute a comprehensive mental health program that works in conjunction with the courts to evaluate people who would benefit from rehab, mental health facilities, etc. In conjunction we would need to also train judges, law enforcement

You win - I laughed really hard at this and not so much at the featured entries.

That movie was so fresh (haha “fresh,” I’m so 90s) when I was an undergrad, that the greek orgs on campus explained their group identity as they compared to the groups described in PCU.

I am realizing I’m probably someone else’s abjectly terrible restaurant employee story.

“My favorite part was where he - *clenches fist* - catches that rye.” - Trump

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.

“the guy tries to get what [he] wants; the woman’s job is to fight him off.” The inability to fend off Gable’s advances constituted a failure on her part — not Gable’s.

Great piece. It really reveals the disease of binary thinking in America.

I don’t get it either. Part of it might be that the “my kid is a beautiful unique snowflake who can do no wrong” mentality that so many parents have supercedes any empathy with a fellow female. In which case, we need to vote them off the island.

This is the smartest thing anyone has ever said on the internet.

There’s quite a bit of elision and misinformation presented here. I truly don’t have the energy to dig into all of it, but let’s take on the scare-quoted oxybenzone and Vitamin A, for example. Retinyl palmitate, the natural form of Vitamin A that is used in sunscreens, has been proven safe by multiple rigorous,

I thought we all knew that the EWG is utter bullshit and its methodology is also bullshit.