
Seth Meyers... good?? *pulls monocle out of handle-bar mustache* Poppycock I say.

I imagine that most kids sadly only eat the banana, the chocolate milk, and maybe the top half of that sandwich and everything else goes in the garbage.

Nah remember the scene in the ‘92 film when a parade of princes come and get rejected by Jasmine? He could be there for a second, gets slapped by Jasmine, then Aladdin walks in with his new genie-granted royalness and the show goes on.

The extra motion post-processing adds a lot to games that are running at a lower framerate though, for those PC enthusiasts with their rigs hooked up to their TVs. For tv shows it gets weird, but for Crysis 3 on an old laptop it’s amazing.

“people have been on the bills for a long period of time” wtf does that have to do with anything? Get that genocidal maniac off the 20 for pete’s sake. Bring back the art bills if you must[be a white supremacist]. Just get him off the 20.

It seems you commented on the wrong article here. No where is looting mentioned in the above post.

And this guy is an assistant principal? In charge of overseeing children?? I envisioned some salty dad’s crappy self-printed pamphlet whose pages are held together by a twist-tie. Wtf is happening???

What a self-centered compulsive liar.

The unyielding sarcasm of the above post aside, I think we can all agree that “The Last Samurai” was actually surprisingly good despite its ridiculous title and main protagonist.

Probably cuz no one really treads on white dudes lol. I think my point even still stands with regards to those characters too as Bruce Willis’ character in Die Hard is way more awesome than the guy with the superpower of deus ex machina because McClain (in the good Die Hards directed by John McTernan) is a human being

I don’t think what he said was necessarily sexist. I also wouldn’t say Wonder Woman was a step backward either. I think what he’s trying to say is that Wonder Woman is not real, not even close to real. Only movie physics allow her to lay waste to armies with a sword and shield. It’s a distortion, and yes I understand

Fucking damnit all to hell it would have been awesome to see Bowie be Ryuk....

I’m sorry. I actually tried to go back and edit that, but Kinja and my web browser didn’t let me : /


I know this is going to sound strange to you, but there are in fact LGBT kids. There are LGBT kids that are posting positive messages, and there are LGBT kids that need positive messages. Oh and you are in fact a bad person. Not because of that, but because of the white supremacy stuff you said.

Look mac, you expressed your grievances. People gave a logical counter-argument and you ignored it. Nothing is going to convince you otherwise, at least not here and not today. Go reread the article and make note of the mentioned haters that are in Splatoon as they are in much of the world, then go reread

Oh poor you.

His face looks like one of those picture mazes. Try to draw a line from his ugly disgusting ear to his ugly disgusting growth on the other side of his ugly disgusting face.

Kinda depressing to think that whether someone identifies something as right or wrong can hinge on use of profanity or saying Mr. or Ms... Juries are supposed to try to be impartial, but I guess there’s always going to be some kind of bias. I have to wonder, though, if such tip-toeing around in today’s age is actually

One look at how tacky everything he has ever touched and you know Trump has never ever cared about any kind of artistic merit. He just slaps fake gold on everything and calls it a day.