
What a self-centered compulsive liar.

The unyielding sarcasm of the above post aside, I think we can all agree that “The Last Samurai” was actually surprisingly good despite its ridiculous title and main protagonist.

I’m sorry. I actually tried to go back and edit that, but Kinja and my web browser didn’t let me : /


I know this is going to sound strange to you, but there are in fact LGBT kids. There are LGBT kids that are posting positive messages, and there are LGBT kids that need positive messages. Oh and you are in fact a bad person. Not because of that, but because of the white supremacy stuff you said.

Look mac, you expressed your grievances. People gave a logical counter-argument and you ignored it. Nothing is going to convince you otherwise, at least not here and not today. Go reread the article and make note of the mentioned haters that are in Splatoon as they are in much of the world, then go reread

Oh poor you.

His face looks like one of those picture mazes. Try to draw a line from his ugly disgusting ear to his ugly disgusting growth on the other side of his ugly disgusting face.

Kinda depressing to think that whether someone identifies something as right or wrong can hinge on use of profanity or saying Mr. or Ms... Juries are supposed to try to be impartial, but I guess there’s always going to be some kind of bias. I have to wonder, though, if such tip-toeing around in today’s age is actually

One look at how tacky everything he has ever touched and you know Trump has never ever cared about any kind of artistic merit. He just slaps fake gold on everything and calls it a day.

I’m gonna have the word “pamplemousse” stuck in my head all day now.

That is one sadistic kid. “Barely” a white supremacist? Still a white supremacist the two-faced coward.

From the update: “As an agency, CBP adheres to law and policy on processing asylum claims and does not tolerate abuse of these policies.” That makes it sound like they won’t help them. They used the exact same qualifiers that Betsy Devos used with discriminatory schools. :(

“Can you turn that down?” rofl

Love the comic Jen. I just wish Eric’s cro magnon forehead was so big it was tipping him over knocking him into Don Jr. though. Also love that Tiffany is not pictured lol

Damnit just make an MMO Half-Life 3 if you need the constant money flow and refuse to make an old style strictly single-player game anymore. Just fucking do it pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseee Valve. We can romp through the wastelands and City 17 for $15 a month or FtP with thousands of monetary aesthetic options.

You implied it. What the hell was the point of your post if you were not implying justification? What were you saying then? What the hell does Ireland have to do with the widespread usage with a particular meaning in the USA?? You think everyone in the USA knows and just loves using Irish slang for everyday use? You

That’s some nice retroactive rationalization there. Have you never questioned why that was used for everything? It *absolutely* meant that to everyone who used it, if not directly then it was implied. Saying that implies you are different and bad for it. Any behavior that’s less than manly, anything feminine, anything

The forced retirements of people already in the military will probably cost a whole lot more than $9 million. His bs money burden excuse makes no fucking sense every step of the way.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with a library card. Nice!